looking for friends and motivation

Hi everyone ???? my name is Sara.
I am 24 and a mother to one handsome wild 5 year old boy. I had no problem losing weight after my son was born the pounds fell right off I was back to my normal per baby weight. Over the years I had put on pounds then 3 years ago I got really into fitness I was in the gym 5 days a week ate very clean and finally I was in the best shape I had ever been in and I was better than skinny I was healthy.. wellllll guess what happened I fell off the darn wagon and the weight came right back. I am 5'7 so the weight does not seem like much to others but I know I am bad out of shape. I have been so disappointed in myself but I'm ready to get back to it and stick to it. I want this to be a life change. I seen in many of yalls post that your families have had health issues my family does also and I want to take great care of my family and keep us in good health. I just started Monday but I am already feeling better than I have the past month.. I am trying to figure out how this whole site works. Seeing as how all my friends don't care to hear anything I say about fitness I am here looking for new friends and motivation. Wish me luck ????


  • Hello Sara. My name is Jason. I stumbled across this site back in June and am already down 24 lbs just from the motivation from friends on this site. I would be glad to help motivate you as others have done and are still doing for me.

    Fell free to add me.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • CrazedCrow
    CrazedCrow Posts: 217 Member
    Hey Sara,

    Welcome aboard - I'm just a newbie too and from what I've experienced so far (early days I know) I think it has the tools and community to get us to where we want to be. I think you just need to think of your back slide into unhealthiness as a previous chapter of the book. Time for a new chapter so turn the page, look ahead and focus on where you want to go. Don't waste any more energy on what has been unless it's to propel you forward.

    Our journey starts here so buckle up we're going on a ride.

    I've sent a friends request - so if you're of a mind, add me :smile:
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Welcome! I've got a couple little girls, 3.5 yrs old and 1.5 yr old, and between spending time with my wife and both of them and working full time I don't have much free time. I've gotten in shape and gotten lazy back and forth a few times since having kids. Just got back into a routine over the past couple weeks after a four month lazy streak. It's not easy to stay consistent with the fitness stuff, but that's really the key.

    My wife gained 35 lbs with our first daughter, lost it all within a year, then gained about 45 lbs with our second daughter and has gotten back down to within 5 lbs of her original weight this time around. She didn't really do anything all that special either, she just ate reasonably healthy, watched her portions, and exercised regularly (3-5 times a week at the gym for about an hour). She works out during the day, then I try to workout at night at home when the kids are asleep.

    Add me if you'd like. I just recently started a thread about staying in shape after having kids and having very little free time, etc.

    Good luck!