Will progress stop?

To get my daily hour of cardio I run on an elliptical, due to a hip injury. My elliptical is broken so I was wondering if not using it for three days, while it is being fixed, will hurt my progress.


  • Fraser91x
    Fraser91x Posts: 15 Member
    Would you be able to go for short walks? Not sure if this is to much for the hip injury.

    I wouldn't say it would effect it to much but remember that your hour of cardio doesn't have to be all at once, even if you could take a walk on a lunch break, then another in the evening is better than nothing.

    Even if you cannot get that exercise in if you are in a caloric deficit it wouldn't matter as much. Your food choices are the most important thing - then you look at exercise. You cant over train a bad diet.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    No. 3 days isn't nearly enough to cause a degradation in your performance. You'll be just fine :)
  • It doesn't seem like i will be able to use my elliptical for a while. It is making the most horrible high pitched squeaking noise. I have no idea how to fix it. So it looks like i need to find a new cardio with the same effects, which is really upsetting.