Not sure what to do.



  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    This might seem like a ridiculous thing to do, but why don't you weight out small amounts of the skittles into portions and put them in sandwich bags (or something similar) so that if you're tempted you can eat the allotted amount, know the calorific value and treat yourself without knowing you haven't gone overboard.

    I find that when something is in a pack it's easy just to say "I'll finish the pack" so in making the "pack" smaller it will mean you can do this without going over your calories or feeling guilty.

    This. Or give it to a friend/relative. Throwing away food is a terrible habit.

    Says you

    Throwing away food has been one of my biggest diet aids

    :huh: Way to waste valuable resources (and I don't mean your money, that's up to you). If you buy food and then not eat it, why not at least give it to a local food bank? Or plan and buy only food you're actually gonna eat?
  • Maybe measure out a 200 calorie portion, give the rest away, then plan to sit down and really enjoy your m & m 's with a favourite beverage?

    I live with people who eat big steaks, bring home sushi at 11:00 pm, make a pizza just as I'm going to bed and put chocolate and potato chips (my fav) in the pantry. They're all healthy and slim, I have no right to change them or accuse them of sabotage. I can just make plans for myself for how to work around this.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    To start with you need to relax and not yell at your father.
    You're 18 and have a lot of life ahead of you, you're way ahead of the game in that you realize that you might have some issues with food. For the rest of your life you're going to be around food and maybe people that aren't good for you, learn to deal with the foods that you have issues with, learn to say no and if you fail don't beat yourself up over it. Skittles are just another food item that you can choose to eat or not, make your decision and trust in yourself.
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    There are snack size baggies. I'd seperate the whole bag and allow one a day. If I could. If its a binge trigger for you (oreos and nutella are for me so I do not keep them in the house ever,but I have a binge eating disorder) I'd say get rid of them. But if you can,allow a reasonable premeasured portion.

    I guess that's a smart thing to do. Plus when I exercise tonight, that'll burn away some space for them to not affect my body.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Moderation works for some things and not for others, just as it works for some people and not for others. Its perfectly acceptable to be able to admit to yourself you simply can't have certain things as you know from experience they're simply too dangerous to overeat on them. If thats the case for you here, chuck them I say! Of course back when I lost weight years ago, I wasn't above spitting something out that I ate without thinking, and attribute it as a diet aid until I learned not to eat so compulsively.

    Until you can safely handle having something like trigger foods around, I say keep them away as much as you can. One day you may or may not be able to deal with such foods better, but until that point, I say act like its guerilla warfare, and do what you have to! :)

    EDIT: there are certain foods I know I will never have control over, and know its best to avoid them. Sometimes I can substitute things for them, for example dark chocolate for milk chocolate, but some things there are no substitutes for, and avoidance may be better altogether. For example, without dark chocolate, I know I would have to avoid chocolate entirely, as personally I could never stop at just a square or two of milk chocolate :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    This might seem like a ridiculous thing to do, but why don't you weight out small amounts of the skittles into portions and put them in sandwich bags (or something similar) so that if you're tempted you can eat the allotted amount, know the calorific value and treat yourself without knowing you haven't gone overboard.

    I find that when something is in a pack it's easy just to say "I'll finish the pack" so in making the "pack" smaller it will mean you can do this without going over your calories or feeling guilty.

    This. Or give it to a friend/relative. Throwing away food is a terrible habit.

    Says you

    Throwing away food has been one of my biggest diet aids

    :huh: Way to waste valuable resources (and I don't mean your money, that's up to you). If you buy food and then not eat it, why not at least give it to a local food bank? Or plan and buy only food you're actually gonna eat?

    Food banks will take left overs??

    I actually buy the 100 calorie Oreo packs and other single serving items for treats I like. However, here are some examples. The other day I came to work and there was a bunch of candy distributed at everyone's desk. I did eat way too much of those when I could have just scooped them all in the trash. Another time I wanted a slice of cheesecake a coworker had brought and two people hounded me because I cut what they thought was one slice into two and it "wouldn't be worth it for someone to make the walk to get this little" and so "they wouldn't feel peer pressure to eat it". I said okay and threw the other piece out when I got to my desk. I would love to buy smaller sizes of graham crackers or saltines for recipes but they only sell the 100 cookie packs for like two bucks, and if the 10 cookie packs exist for the same price I ain't buying it. After making what I need, in the trash the rest goes cos otherwise I'll just keep eating it till it's gone

    If you want to help starving people, help starving people. But keeping food that tempts you around rather than use the trash can seems like a waste of successful lbs lost to me
  • valeriesmith1840
    valeriesmith1840 Posts: 41 Member
    I actually can REALLY relate to your situation. I am grown and married but my family enjoys eating all together and my Husband with a good heart is always subtly sabotaging my efforts. Does it make him a bad guy? Not at all...and I know he doesn't outright want to see me fail...he just wants to enjoy with me the same things he's enjoyed with me for the last ten years. I suspect Dad is feeling the same way about you ... even if it was insensitive.

    I think giving them away is a great idea. I'm sure you get together with friends or even work...give them to a coworker or someone you know who has kids. They will be thrilled and you'll have saved yourself the stress of knowing they are in there.

    Portioning them out is also a great idea. For me - I don't think I could keep myself from reaching in and grabbing a second or third portion...but that's just me. We are all different. :)

    I know it's tough, it's a struggle every day for me. Learning to handle well intentioned family and friends is a whole other beast of it's own. Hang in there - try to keep your cool if you can. Parents and kids always have a tendency to butt heads at times...I'm sure Dad wants to see you succeed. :)

    Also just touching on the "trash or give away" comments...I mean, it's a $3 bag of skittles. Do what you NEED to do. Do what will make you feel good and as if you've conquered your temptation. I know that I CAN NOT have diet coke or potatoes in the house. Those are just off limit trigger foods for me. I try to give away and get it out when I can...but if I really think that I just CAN NOT refrain from over indulging...I'd rather pitch them then take the chance of them calling my name the day before I'm supposed to meet up with "so and so" to drop them off. LOL ;)
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    So I took on board the portioning, and separated them into 30g bags.


    I've just put them in the fridge and told my family that if they want a bag, they can take as many as they wish, that way I am not drawn to eating them all.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    This is a trigger food for you, I am guessing that you can't just eat a few even if you divide them up into baggies. I understand this, cheese is my trigger food and no matter what I plan or what I tell myself ahead of time I will eat it all once I start.

    So my advice is not to eat it. Thank your Dad, then explain that you appreciate him thinking of you but what you really need at the moment is for him to help you by not buying this type of food for you (obviously its his house, he can buy it for himself or other family members but from what I can tell he bought this for you).

    Don't look at it, try to give it away as soon as possible.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    throw them away!!!!!!! Don't wait to donate -- toss them immediately
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    throw them away!!!!!!! Don't wait to donate -- toss them immediately

    Don't run or hide from your problems, face them head on! You win some and you lose some but if you don't at least try you've already lost!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    My downfall is M&Ms. So I actually COUNT OUT a portion (between 15 and 50, depending on what my calories and macros are for the day) and then put the rest AWAY.

    This has worked well for me, knowing I don't HAVE to give up a favorite fun food. And just knowing they are there, I can actually ignore them for a week or two at a time now.

    I wish I could do that. I count them out... then I count them again.... then the bag is gone...

    I feel your pain, OP. When that's happened to me, I've not only thrown them away, I've been known to open them up and douse them with dish soap so that I can't (let alone won't) change my mind.
  • lol throw them out as sad as that is
    i get CRAZZY with food
    i also am a pms ing female who has to have her BF LOCK up quest bars in a briefcase (that i dont know the code to) bc i can and will eat 4 in a row if the timing is righ..t or wrong really

    sometimes i can controll it , sometimes i cant
    its not worth it with how well you are doing!
    id say thank yer pops and give them away or compost them to make yoursef feel better. burry them put a flower on top:laugh: :wink:
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    I am a big believer in mastering moderation. I think the highest success in long term weight loss, comes from that principle. The all or nothing mentality is why a lot of people often rebound in their weight.

    I do however think though, that sometimes people might need to stay away from certain things for a season until they are ready. Only you know that for yourself.

    I doesn't hurt to give it a try, figure out a portion thats fits into your goal for the day, and a time when you'd like to have them (movies, etc), and see if its something you can do. Don't expect to be perfect right away, moderation DOES take practice.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    So I took on board the portioning, and separated them into 30g bags.


    I've just put them in the fridge and told my family that if they want a bag, they can take as many as they wish, that way I am not drawn to eating them all.
    Awesome job!
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    I just had a small 30g portion now, and I am gasping for more. Dang they tasted SO good and it did not feel like ENOUGH to me. I want more :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I should probably go exercise to take my mind off of them. My dad also said he'll take them off my hands, along with his own personal two bars of chocolate...:laugh:
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I would chuck them out. I couldn't sleep if I had that stuff in the house. I would eat it all. It's like one beer - no good to anybody. I really admire people who can have all things in moderation, and that's great if you can :)
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    I would chuck them out. I couldn't sleep if I had that stuff in the house. I would eat it all. It's like one beer - no good to anybody. I really admire people who can have all things in moderation, and that's great if you can :)

    I've had my 30g portion, my father is now eating them hahaha.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Good luck jj,

    I've mastered portion control over most foods, but there are some foods (cookies, chips & salsa, etc) for which I have a nearly irresistible desire to eat the whole bag once I've opened it, so I my solution is to never open the bag.

    We have a snack food cupboard in the home, which was always well stocked, and overly tempting. My fix was to stop buying that food, and to give my boys (your age) money each week from which they could buy their own snack food. Two outcomes:
    - Since it was "their" snacks, I was no longer tempted.
    - Since they had to take a little extra effort to get it, they eat fewer snacks overall, and if they run out, it's a mile walk (round trip) to the closest market, so they can't be complete couch potatoes (which they're not, but the extra walk doesn't hurt either).

    About once a month I have something (yesterday was 5 Dark Chocolate Digestive Biscuits ... one of my favourites), but overall, my plan helps me to avoid the temptation.

    Best of luck.