Man down...first injury and so many questions

Tuesday was a horrible, horrible day when mid run I knew something was wrong and had to stop. I've been in pain since, and about 80% sure I pulled a groin muscle and pulled it badly (I have a red line going down my leg at the site). So here are some questions I've been having if anyone has any input it's more than appreciated!

1. Should I be stretching it just yet? It still is painful to walk on, but it feels good when I stretch it. I'm not sure if I'm being counter productive with this though, and different articles advocate either waiting or starting right away.

2. What can I be doing? I only have been doing exercises that don't cause pain in my leg, if it does I stop right away. I've been focusing on my core and my arms but I don't want to over work them.

3. If I should be stretching, should I ice before or after?

4. I obviously can't run, and this means my diet needs to change in a big way. Any helpful tips? I have pretty much stopped using myfitnesspal food diary unless I want to see vitamins/minerals from a meal or can't find nutrition info online, but I am thinking it would be a good idea to start again.

5. Is it worth it to go see a doctor?


  • ag27404
    ag27404 Posts: 47 Member
    I know know nothing to help you with 1-4. On #5- when I first started running my knees started to hurt. I assumed it was because I was heavy so I just pushed through it. Eventually I go to where I almost couldn't walk, much less run. I had to completely stop running for 6 weeks and I was lucky I healed as quickly as I did. A few weeks ago my knee (just my right one) started hurting again. Not bad - enough to be annoying. I've just started half marathon training and was thinking - eh. I can work through this. Then I remembered what happened before. So I emailed my physical therapist and asked if I was being a baby. He told me to come in that day. I've been able to keep up my level of activity with just a few minor adjustments and my healing has gone much faster.

    Long story short - see a doctor. They can help with all your other questions. And even better see a physical therapist. My doctor (who is great and a runner himself) misdiagnosised my issue. A good PT understands how things are connects and can more easily assess your injury. Good luck.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Tuesday was a horrible, horrible day when mid run I knew something was wrong and had to stop. I've been in pain since, and about 80% sure I pulled a groin muscle and pulled it badly (I have a red line going down my leg at the site). So here are some questions I've been having if anyone has any input it's more than appreciated!

    1. Should I be stretching it just yet? It still is painful to walk on, but it feels good when I stretch it. I'm not sure if I'm being counter productive with this though, and different articles advocate either waiting or starting right away.

    2. What can I be doing? I only have been doing exercises that don't cause pain in my leg, if it does I stop right away. I've been focusing on my core and my arms but I don't want to over work them.

    3. If I should be stretching, should I ice before or after?

    4. I obviously can't run, and this means my diet needs to change in a big way. Any helpful tips? I have pretty much stopped using myfitnesspal food diary unless I want to see vitamins/minerals from a meal or can't find nutrition info online, but I am thinking it would be a good idea to start again.

    5. Is it worth it to go see a doctor?

    I would check out runners world or something similar, my own rule is rest and let it heal until it is not painful to walk, then stretch and work it sensibly, i did my groin a few years back and it took about a week to heal then another couple of weeks of recovery till i was back to normal

    It is all about judging the difference between pain and soreness
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Yes! It is worth it to go see a doctor or one of those urgent care centers that don't require an appointment (and don't charge a bundle hopefully). Your post to me seems like you're getting medical advice from strangers on the interwebs.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    You want to see a doctor who is experienced in sports medicine injuries--or go to a doctor and make sure he/she gives you a referral for physical therapy--and then find a physical therapist who specializes in sports medicine injuries.

    In the acute phase (first 48 hrs), icing is beneficial. I would be very careful about stretching at this stage. With a groin injury, too much stretching at first can make things worse. Look up some hip adductor stretches or treatment for acute groin pull for more information. But any stretching needs to be gentle, gentle, gentle at this stage.

    I know it can be hard to stop exercising, but in this case, I would wait at least a week to assess your condition before resuming any activity. A week off won't hurt you and it will give you a chance to take stock of the situation. Hopefully, this will resolve itself soon, but groin injuries can become lingering and chronic, so it is worth taking the time to treat it properly.
  • JonathanLepoff
    JonathanLepoff Posts: 46 Member
    You should absolutely go to a doctor.
    The red line you mention is an unusual symptom
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    1. Do not stretch! If your groin is strained stretching in the wrong way could make it much worse.
    2. Don't worry too much about exercising until you see a doctor/physical therapist (which you must)
    3. Icing the area will help with pain and potential swelling.
    4. How much were you burning during your runs? If you are those calories back you'll need to remove them from your diet. Since you'll likely be sedentary for a few weeks, it might be a good idea to re-check your TDEE and mark your activity level as either sedentary or lightly active. That way you won't gain in the interim.
    5. Yes yes yes!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    go to a doctor - someone experienced in sports medicine, not just a general GP or internist. you don't want to mess around with this!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Looks like it's ice, doctor, and physical therapy time.

    I got a sweet groin pull during a baseball game. That really takes it out of you. Good luck.
  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    I've pulled my groin muscle and did not have a line...just check with your doctor and let a professional tell you if it's nothing.

    If it's your groin muscle, good luck. It hurt for a week and I had problems sleeping it was so uncomfortable. It goes away though.