Ladies- sports bra hrm strap advice?

Okay, so, I'm a 36DD & have somewhat recently taken up running. I also just purchased a Polar FT60 with the HRM strap that's on its way in the mail. After having done my research, it came to my attention that HRM straps & sports bras don't usually get along. Especially when you basically have to wear a straight-jacket in order to contain the top meat anyhow. Sorry for the tmi....
Any ladies in my situation been through this & have any advice? I finally found a decent bra & I still have to double up, but when I first started running I wore an Ace compression bandage (like you use when you twist your ankle...) around my chest with a sports bra on top. It actually worked pretty well. I wonder if the HRM strap with the ace bandage on top would keep everything in place?
Any advice top-heavy ladies? I kind of resent having to comb through stuff for hours online when I'd rather just have the equipment to feel comfortable during my work out & get it right the first time.
Thanks in advance!


  • blushpeonies
    blushpeonies Posts: 101 Member
    I put mine on - right under my boobs - then I put my sports bras on. I have a Polar FT4. seems to work pretty well.
    I am a 36D/DD.
  • Andrea0078
    Andrea0078 Posts: 8 Member
    Hmm. Maybe I'm anticipating a problem that won't really be a problem. Thanks!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Ugh. It's tough trying to work around the two. Whoever invented the HRM clearly did not have boobage ladies in mind.

    I don't wear mine that much anymore but I would wear it right under my breasts, under the sports bra. I sweat profusely so sometimes it shifted under there. I think if you have the same problem, the Ace bandage will help.

    Wear some Vaseline or chaffing cream because the HRM can cut into your skin. :-( It did with mine.

    Good luck!
  • Andrea0078
    Andrea0078 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you!