Fell off the wagon, ready to get back on!



  • melgcoo
    melgcoo Posts: 23
    I apologize in advance if this is too long, but needed to share a bit. I was on MFP in the beginning of 2012, and worked hard at it for a long time. At my heaviest weight, I weighed 250 lbs, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through all of that, I lost about 25 lbs, and then decided I was tired of being tired, sore, arthritic, etc. I started in earnest trying to get healthier. By the time of my 20-year wedding anniversary, I was 193 pounds, the lowest I had been in over 25 years. I was feeling great, and enjoying my life.

    Then the bottom dropped out. In November that year my oldest son was arrested in Alaska (not gonna bore you with all the details), his wife left him and took their baby...and on and on it went. Bam! I went back to stress-eating, specifically candy.

    As things unfolded, my eating got worse, and the scales started to creep upward. Skip forward to spring 2014.

    I lost my job, and we moved. The house we moved into was great, and things were looking up. After we had been in our new house for 28 days, there was torrential rain accompanied by a flood. Suddenly we were homeless and had lost virtually everything. I put on another 10 pounds. An agency gave us some vouchers for clothes, and I went shopping and almost cried because I had to buy bigger sizes. I had outgrown the clothes that I did have

    We are back in our home now. I am so tired of being overweight, of feeling tired and achy, of not being able to breathe right... the whole litany of ills that come with being extremely overweight. I am just trying to find what works for me, and MFP helps me. I am not trying to "diet" at this point, just trying to start to control my portion sizes better.

    I am trying to just take it one meal, one day at a time. That is all I can do. I would appreciate prayers as I go forward.I have made food my god, and I don't want to do that anymore. My faith has been tried and tested, but I have come out the other side stronger.

    May God bless us all as we journey together.
  • melgcoo
    melgcoo Posts: 23
    wow, didn't mean to kill the topic!
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    How do I post a new post? I do not see where to it! Thanks for your help.
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    I lost 40 pounds in 2008, only to gain back 60 over the past 6 years. Now back on the horse and really holding myself accountable thanks to MFP. 34 pounds down so far, almost halfway to my goal. Anyone feel free to add me! I love having the support on here.