I'm new here again, and actually using MFP now!

I had forgotten I joined MFP back 2011. Hey, I'm 49.....I forget stuff! Anyway, I'm here and trying to lose weight again. It's been a blur these last 3 years with a move and job change for my husband and taking care of two ill parents over this last year at different times. A new grandchild arrived in May and now that we are feeling settled in, I've started exercising and eating better again. Looking for encouragement, pals, helping to motivate others and keep track of my progress as well as I can. No kids at home, no work, no excuse! I'm doing this!


  • skinnyb05
    skinnyb05 Posts: 87 Member
    Good for you! I'm approaching 45 real soon and I'm with you ready to do it this time. I will friend you and hope I can support you along the way!