Exercise for pear shaped women

I keep reading conflicting information about pear shapes and squats & lunges.
My bum has toned up and lifted but I never have much luck making my thighs look better.
I'm 5'4 112 pounds not looking to lose but have a more toned physique and lose a little fat off my legs.
My waist is 25 inches, my hips are 35, my bust is 32 however my thighs are 20.5 and out of proportion compared to the rest of my body :/ I know I'll always be pear shaped but is there a way I can stay at a healthy weight and lose some of the fat?

I work out and I'm satisfied with every other area of my body it's just my thighs. I have a small amount of cellulite too that's gotten better with working out, drinking lots of water & exercising but I'm hoping it can improve more.

Please help are squats & lunges helping or will they make my thighs bigger?


  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    When I did squats and lunges it was my butt that got bigger. 2 pant sizes bigger to be exactly, I was mad because it was for a high school class. I don't think I had a problem with my hips though. You can always try hip abductors/adductors. They might be able to tone your trouble spots more.
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    Your legs are not big. In order to get toned you need to build muscle. And eat at a surplus. You cannot spot reduce. Then when you are happy with the amt of muscle you put. You eat less, and keep lifting to maintain the muscle