I'm not losing weight and I keep gaining!!

From February this year, I have steadily gained from 47kg to now 56kg, and it's been barely 6months. No matter what I do, I'm not losing weight and if I eat a bit more than normal for only 1-2days, I gain, and don't seem to lose it again.

My exercises are: I walk for about 30 min a day just daily things. I dance for 3hours a day.
In the past, I have eaten over 4000 calories a day for consecutive days hence the weight gain maybe but you'd think I would lose if I went back to normal!
My calorie eating this week was 1200, 1500, 1200 ,1700, 2000,1300,3000. Yes this last one was terrible but I tried. Those were what I ate excluding the amount I would've burned off. I'm drinking 2-3L water a day too. Why have I not lose ANy weight this week, actually I gained 0.3kg. And no it's not muscle gain because I haven't done extra activity/strength stuff because what I was doing seemed to be fine for starters


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    it takes 3500 calories less than maintenance to lose just one pound. That means whatever your maintenance amount of calories are, you need to be eating 500 less each and every day times seven days to lose the one pound. Its that simple. You are eating way too much OVER your maintenance amount and now are gaining. You need to find out what your maintenance amount is, eat less than that each day and you will lose. I suggest you read up on it and watch nutrition videos and lectures on youtube. It never hurts to educate yourself.
  • markjacobs1987
    markjacobs1987 Posts: 162 Member
    I think one major problem you are having is that your calories are fluctuating WAY too much and that is throwing your metabolism for a loop! You need to find the right amount of calories you can eat and lose at. Find one calorie number for a goal and try to stick with it within + or - 100 calories. After finding the calorie number that works for you stick with it until you start to plateau and then change up from there. For a female a good starting point is 1600 calories. Try that at 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fats and see if that works for you. Those macros are for the fat shredder plan and should help you. If 50% protein is too hard to hit 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats will work too.