Looking for support in losing weight and toning up

Hello everyone,

I am on a journey to slim down and tone up :happy: I just need a buddy for support. Anyone in need of a fitness buddy? I have about 17 pounds to go before I hit my target weight.


  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    AdvoCare!! They have a lot of different products to help lose weight, tone up, etc. catalyst works best for toning up. Drew brees uses them and some other athletes. They work great! I'm a distributor for the company because the products work. Please email me if you have any questions tiffyrh07@yahoo.com. Here is the link to the site as well https://www.advocare.com/14084363


    Please read the forum rules and go shill your crap elsewhere
  • juhnell2610
    juhnell2610 Posts: 291 Member
    always happy to motivate..feel free to add me
  • eventer4ever
    I'm new here, too. :) I'll send you a friend request.