Frustrated by No weight loss..I think

Been reading and calculating, but still get confused (?), frustrated is probably more accurate. Especially the flab at waist. That is where I center alot of my excercise routine. My current weight is 166 +/-, 160 I'd like

My averages for past 7 days.....2110 tot cal, 26% fat, 42% carbs, 32% protein.

Average excercise calories burned...1327 for past 4 days, strained knee for 3 days.

Do vigorous spin 1hr, 60min goal for treadmill, and 30 at weight workouts.

So, 2110 cal less 1327 cal = appx 750 or so deficit. Hmm, maybe all those calculators are wayyyyyyyyyy off, got me.

Have I figured this right?

Thanks in advance if responded to.