Just Diagnosed with T2 Diabetes



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Find all the ways to add more veggies to your plan: baked, grilled, steamed, raw, sautéed, pickled,. . .
    Grilled Romaine
    Baked Kale
    Steamed Asparagus
    Sautéed Mushrooms
    Zucchini Slaw
    Curry Pickled Cauliflower
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    Was diagnosed at age 27, supposedly very young for a white male, but them are the breaks (did find out it was in the family on my father's side eventually though).

    Things got bad in the last 3 years and I ended up on insulin, but now due to weightloss and a lot of exercise weekly I am off of insulin and lowering slowly all other meds. It is daunting to find you have this diagnosis, but eventually you will realise as long as you are careful and look after yourself, it shouldn't affect you too much.

    Feel free to add me if you want too :)
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Hi, nice to meet you! I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in April of this year. My A1c was 11.4 when I was diagnosed. I just got tested again and it was 6%. There is a good group on here for type 2 diabetes. Friend me! :-)
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I found out at the end of December that I had T2 Diabetes, that was the spur I needed to start this journey, my A1C at that time was 16.5 and now it is around 5, the key to it was losing the weight and exercise. When I started I could barely walk a mile without being out of breath, now I'm running 4-5 miles on the treadmill 2 or 3 times a week and walking the same distance in between days. Take this as a positive warning to get you on the right path.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,704 Member
    Take a look at the Newcastle study, which helped me enormously.


    I have managed to reverse my T2 diagnosis by losing 20% of body weight. I was diagnosed in August 2012 with an hba1c of 10+ and put on 2000 mg of metformin daily. After a year of watching my calories and exercising I had lost 10% of body weight and my hba1c was 4.9 so my GP gave me license to experiment with reducing dosage. By November 2014 I was 20% down on highest body weight, and was only taking a single 500 mg tablet every other day. My hba1c was still 4.9, so I was instructed to stop medicating completely at this point. My last hba1c of 5.0 was March 2014 after 4 months without medication.

    A T2 diagnosis can be beat by significant weight loss, in my experience.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Check out a diet like Atkins low carb. I have recently dabbled with it and did a lot of reading about it and i've come to the conclusion its the ideal diet for people with diabetes T2, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome.

    Get hold of an older Atkins book, and also try reading the Art and Science of Low Carb.

    You don't even need to go the whole induction route to reap the rewards, just go 100 carbs and try gradually lowering it til you find a place you feel comfortable. Or if you love meat and want to dive right in, go for 20 carbs. I don't think it matters too much. Though you have to be under about 90 to get ketosis happening i believe.

    Also there's a useful site called phlaunt.com which has a lot of useful information but i recommend you read a book first.

    one think that atkins says to do before starting is to get all your bloods done thoroughly before you even start. Also weigh yourself and measure yourself. Right at the very beginning. Its important because then you know what progress you are making because of the diet.

    I am not diabetic myself but i found the diet interesting and the food is rich and yummy. I got over all my fears about fat.

    Another option is Paleo. There was a guy on another forum site who basically banged on about this diet so much and the benefits he'd gained (and he probably had a lot of health issues before he started) that he finally got through to me to give the low carb thing a try. Basically paleo is a slightly different version of low carb.

    The main reason why i think people should understand that low carb, even moderately low carb is worth consideration for diabetics etc is that it circumvents your whole disturbed insulin system. A reason why its useful for anyone trying to lose weight is that appetite is reduced so it makes weight loss that bit easier.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Take a look at the Newcastle study, which helped me enormously.


    I have managed to reverse my T2 diagnosis by losing 20% of body weight. I was diagnosed in August 2012 with an hba1c of 10+ and put on 2000 mg of metformin daily. After a year of watching my calories and exercising I had lost 10% of body weight and my hba1c was 4.9 so my GP gave me license to experiment with reducing dosage. By November 2014 I was 20% down on highest body weight, and was only taking a single 500 mg tablet every other day. My hba1c was still 4.9, so I was instructed to stop medicating completely at this point. My last hba1c of 5.0 was March 2014 after 4 months without medication.

    A T2 diagnosis can be beat by significant weight loss, in my experience.

    Thanks so much for all of that. I have forwarded it on to a loved one. Hope they use it.
  • catcalledjinx
    The 5:2 Fasting Diet is credited with possible diabetes reversal. It can't hurt to have a look http://thefastdiet.co.uk/ or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9Aj6hRYg4A

    Both of my parents have T2 and I was told some years ago by a GP that I should expect the same. Well, 24 lbs lost later (on the 5:2) and I'm not having that.

    Good luck :)
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    The best part in your case is that you are ready to make those lifestyle changes which will help you control your diabetes. T1 diabetes is a disease you are born with but T2 is purely a lifestyle problem so you just need to make some positive changes to your diet and the exercise regime to reverse it.Get in touch with your nutritionist and follow the diet plan.I am sure very soon you will be well on the road to recovery.Losing weight in your case is certainly going o help. Good Luck.