Psyched Myself Out...

Okay, so...I'm doing the Couch to 5k program and am on week 4. I run on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays. The first day (as are all the first day of each new week) nearly killed me, but I barely crawled through it. The second day my legs felt like they were lead so my performance sucked and I had to stop in the 5 minute running stretches and walk for 30 seconds to recover.
I felt bad that I had such a terrible run, but I was convinced to keep going.
So, Saturday comes. My legs don't feel heavy. I'm fine. My hip ached for second but went away...and I stopped.

I stopped 3 minutes into the first 5 minutes run, and I went home. It was like I hit a huge mental wall face first and gave up.
It wasn't even that my mind was saying 'you can't do this', it was more like it was saying 'I'm bored, I'm uncomfortable. Sure I could finish this but I don't want to'. I felt like crap because I felt so weak.

I'm going to repeat this week, but I'm terrified now; I've completely psyched myself out and I don't know how to get out of this rut. Music isn't working; no mater how pumped up it is or catchy, I just tune it out. I try to think about other things, but my mind comes sharply back to whats happening after about 2 minutes.
Please help? I really really want to be a runner...


  • breesie11
    breesie11 Posts: 3,478 Member
    maybe you needed more time on the previous weeks times? you can alway either keep going on the week you are on until you feel comfortable enough to keep going on or go back to the previous week again. do what will work best for you. you don't have to be a super fast runner either. speed can be worked on after you can jog for long periods of time. maybe find a different place to run too so that you will have something else to focus on because you aren't exactly familiar with the area.