just started xenical/orlistat and have pcos

Hello im new to all this
Ive just started taking xenical and wondered if anyone else was taking it . I dont really know much about it doctor just prescribed them and sent me on my way. I have been diagnosed with pcos for over 7 years now I was 19 when I found out wasn't really that bothered at the time but after being in a stable relationship for nearly 4 years we have been trying to conceive for over a year with no luck. Ive tried every diet plan going even a total food replacement yea I lost 2 stone in 5 weeks but I bet I but it back on in 10 weeks! But now itd getting me down we really want a family so I knew I needed to lose weight im currently 98kg. Any advice would be really appreciated :-) xx


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    I hope your doctor informed you of the possible side effects: (copied from the web):
    These side effects are usually temporary and may lessen as you continue treatment with orlistat:
    oily spotting in your undergarments;
    oily or fatty stools;
    orange or brown colored oil in your stool;
    gas with discharge, an oily discharge;

    Be careful if you eat too much fat, I suspect it will leave with an oily diarrhea and you won't have the time to get to the toilet....

    My advice, give it a miss and be prepared to do what it takes to lose the fat in a healthy and consistent way.

    No quick fixes...quick big losses are likely to come back as you have already experienced.

    Do calorie counting or WW...calorie counting is free..
  • Hi I have pcos too but not taking any meds, just trying to cut out all refined foods (sugar, wheat etc).
    I'm aiming to lose 50lbs to improve fertility.
    Add me if you need some encouragement/support!

    Good luck :smile:
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Definitely research it before you take it!! People had been known to have very messy side effects if eating too much fat. Even things like eggs and tuna can have too much fat for it