Constant dry mouth and thirst when working out?

When I started working out a few months ago I was taking boot-camp classes. Not even 10 minutes into the class I was constantly getting dry mouth and grabbing my water bottle every few minutes meanwhile everyone else did not have to do so. I felt like an outcast a weakling. I did tell my doctor about this I was tested for diabetes and had a urine/blood test..everything came back fine. I'm perfectly healthy no high blood pressure or anything. Does this happen to anyone else? I can't stand how thirsty I get it often interrupts my work out, I don't like stopping often to drink but I need to because my throat gets so dry.

BTW, I drinks LOTS before the work-out and I eat a good meal beforehand as well.....and this doesn't just happen in boot-camp classes it happens if I just want to go for a jog as well

Thanks in advance. :-)