New to MFP & Jorge Cruise Healthy Hormones Slim Belly

Hi AGP (All Good People) ~ Although I've seen Jorge Cruise's other books, last week I caught him on Dr Oz going over his Healthy Hormones Slim Belly theory. I bought the book and now I'm wondering out to implement his plan of counting sugar calories into My Fitness Plan. Is there a way to adapt MFP to show sugar calories? I'm new to both HHSB and MFP!

Any help and advice is VERY welcome!

em / age 63 (and menopause *really* rearranged my body. :noway:


  • Ahdillard
    Ahdillard Posts: 42 Member
    I also bought the book, it makes a lot of since! I changed my settings manually but that still doesnt do the trick. I made the skinny waffles last night but forgot the truvia :( I can tell my body is liking the program, a lot LESS bloating!!!
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Guys, please don't fall for it.

    Dr Oz is a trickster who gets paid to promote the next fad.

    Also, calorie is a calorie. Spend them well.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Get your money back. It's a scam.
  • Ahdillard
    Ahdillard Posts: 42 Member
    Personally I LOVE IT and it makes ME FEEL BETTER! I also went over the program with an actual doctor and she agreed with me on this one. Again, its a lifestyle and you have to eat for your body and sometimes we try a hundred things until we find out what actually works for us. The book also has great recipes and I have shared my copy with my friends. Not to mention, my family eats this way as well. We load up on healthy salads, lean protein and awesome skinny waffles that are sugar free. I am learning to cook with coconut and almond flour. I am also sensitive to gluten so for me and my family, it is amazing! It is awesome!

    The plan(s) gives you everything you need so before you assume you know it, I highly recommend you actually READ it! This book offers more than one plan as well!
  • Lori02139
    Lori02139 Posts: 61 Member
    I just took the book out from the library and was going to start it. ahbooker - how did it work out for you? Your post is from last August, so I'm curious.