Are we ruining the Holidays?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I Read the Article....

    I disagree. We all have something that we must do. Something we are committed about to continue to be successful. IF it's logging or 2 a days of cardio 3 times a week then that's what we must do.

    Family better accept it if they don't you don't need them. Strangers the same way. You know what makes you you and what will keep you successful don't ever let anyone take your eyes off the prize.

    We are successful because we obsess about the details. Lots of people call it obsession or some other pseudo psycho terminology. I think that's a load. It's called determination! It's what it takes to be successful. You don't succeed by doing what other people think is okay when they think its ok.

    Lots of times those people making a stink about your determination usually make comments because it makes them feel guilty and or uncomfortable because they are feeling a little convicted about their own choices.

    Log On!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I do agree withthe part of the article saying "it's just one day, once a year." We really should be able to allow ourselves that and not feel we should have to obsess over everything we eat. The likelyhood that anyone is going to gain from that one day is very low. Unless you just really go for every bad choice all day, most probably aren't going to reach that 3,500 extra calories to gain anything. Most of us now are so conscience of what we are eating because of changing our lifestyles with food that even when we really let go a bit to enjoy ourselves, we still make better decisions. Or at least thats how I see it. When I'm at a party or gathering, I normally seek out more veggies for sides just because its what I enjoy and I make sure to get what looks good but I am more aware of portions now. I didn't count on thanksgiving all day and I still allowed myself the high calorie foods, I just took samples or kept the portions small.
    I for one will not be bringing my phone to the table to log for holiday occasions this year. I just plan on being mindful of what I'm eating but also enjoying it and getting what I really want. :)