Food Won't be my Baggy Shirt (The Body of a Woman)

I found this article on Jezebel and wrote out the last paragraph (below) and taped it to my refrigerator. The ideas expressed are not for women only, but it is written from a particularly female perspective. Anyway, I thought I'd share it. (Note: I'm an atheist, but I still love the heaven-sent line; I just don't take it literally.))

"I now understand where my struggle with weight comes from and even though getting it off is a day-by-day process, I know that with every pound I work to lose, another piece of that emotional weight I've been carrying comes off as well. I'm learning to love myself despite my flaws. I've decided that I no longer want food to be my baggy shirt and I'm shedding that for good. My happiness is no longer about food or men, it's about me and finally learning to love my body for what it is. A heaven-sent honorable and worthy vessel of life and love. The body of a woman."



  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Love this!
  • BaileyCognac95
    BaileyCognac95 Posts: 10 Member
    Really LOVE this....thanks so much. I really need this and need to keep reminding myself I deserve to be the person I want to be. I deserve to be healthy, fit and beautiful. It is who I was meant to be...or rather who we all deserve to be
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks Jenba and Bailey! I found it inspiring too.
  • suzanneism
    suzanneism Posts: 15 Member
    Such a descriptive analogy! It's too bad the interviewee was anonymous. She has quite a way with words. Very thought provoking, and thank you for the share!
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you for posting this.
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Love this! Thanks for sharing!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I'm so glad other women found it of value.