Airports, fast food, and big old family dinners - yike!

Anyone traveling to visit family for the holidays have good suggestions for keeping the momentum going? Being required to get to the airport early means I can walk during the entire wait till boarding, but there will be little chance to work out at all during the trip, and meals will be a challenge. Ideas?? :indifferent:


  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    haha i have the same problem!!! i am planning on taking a dvd home with me that i can do in my room every other day ! i still want to relax at xmas too!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Airports always have places with healthier foods: salads, fresh fruit smoothies, etc. If you have to eat at the airport opt for those choices instead of fast food. While you're with family, offer to help cook some of the food, that way you'll know what's going in it and can limit salt, sugar, butter, etc. If you have to eat out again, opt for healthier choices and avoid fast food. Try to find some activities you can do with your family that require walking. Even shopping is fine!