Discouraged and it is only day 2 - HELP!!!



  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Aww I'm sorry you're having such an awful time! It all takes some getting used to, learning what are good, filling, low calorie choices for you and what are slightly more unwise.
    I'd suggest...
    1) Not punishing yourself! It'll be far like you stick with this plan if you're not suffering the whole way through :smile: Try finding some healthy choices so that you're not saying "yuck" when you describe what you're eating. Oatmeal with honey/fruits/cinnamon&sugar? Scrambled eggs and toast? For main meals I find stirfrys are a great option. I have 5oz chicken breast, 150g broccoli, 2 carrots, 150g spinach all cooked in soy sauce for about 280 calories or so. You could also add in some noodles (and maybe reduce the amounts of everything else) for something more filling. That bumps you up to about 350 - still pretty low.

    2) I plan my meals at the beginning of the day so that I don't have nasty surprises calorie wise when I get to dinner. Obviously it's good to stay flexible, but it gives me a good idea of how I should be structuring my eating.

    3) Personally, I hate being hungry! So I have 5-6 mini meals in the day (you can have a look at my diary if you're interested) ... it also keeps me from having too many cravings. In my opinion, hunger= very dangerous when trying to lose weight! That's when the snack attacks come.

    4) Consider reassessing your goals. I don't seem to be able to do 1200 calories a day... a lot of people here can, but for me, going up to 1300-1400 makes such a massive difference in terms of my sanity! MFP is a lifestyle change to most people here, and if you're calorie goals are unsustainable then you may well not get where you want to be. That said, it does take time to adjust. I'd play around with calorie allowances and see how you feel. Maybe ease yourself into it by having a couple of hundred more for the first few weeks, then cutting down if you want later.

    5) Following on from that point, are you exercising? It's a great way to boost your daily calories and keeps you metabolism revved up. Can't recommend it more!

    I hoped I helped a little, don't give up!! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Hang in there. I just started myself back in September. I am also doing 1200 calories. It took about 2 weeks to get the hang of it. I eat the same meals as my family, but I follow the serving size on everything. I also always allow for fun days. If we are going to a restaurant over the weekend, I don't feel guilty for eating my favorite meal. Do you have WII fit? I try to play on that for about an hour a day and burn 100-200 calories. It is hard to get used to, but don't give up. You will be surprised how easily it will become to choose better options to control the calories. Keep trying! YOu can do it!
  • Do not be sad:sad: , there is a rainbow at the end of all this!!!:flowerforyou:
    First of all, the more you excercise the more you can eat. You are allowed to eat back some of your excercise calories most people do at least half. For example, if you are allowed 1200 cal a day but you burn 400 from excercise, at the very least you can eat back 200 which would be a total of 1400 cal for the day. Also what works for me are frozen dinners, you can eat some decent ones for around 3 to 400 calories try those for dinner or lunch (a little high in salt) Most of the foods we eat that come from the earth are lower in calories than processed food, try to eat things that come from the earth much lower in calories. Processed food is what puts so much weight on people. Do chicken and fish and lots of veggies, you will grow to enjoy these foods it just takes time to detox what your body has been used to eating. Limit your intakes of breads and sugar, not saying you can't eat them but try eating them early in the day not at dinner. Dinner should be your lighter healthier meal, less time to burn it off. Try eating like this for 2 weeks with excercise, and you'll get use to it and eventually:heart: love it!!! Especially when you see all of the results, so WORTH it!!!:drinker:
  • Don't know much about your situation, but I'll give my two cents: I know you've probably heard this, but you should consider cutting out most of your bread servings, especially if you're eating products made with white flour (even "enriched"). Replace your white bread with wheat or whole grain bread. A couple slices a day won't hurt you. Try to limit your dairy products, as they are high in fat and calories and virtually have no real nutritional value that you can't find in a healthier source like vegetables. Even if your'e not into becoming vegan, you should look up stats on the vegan diet to get a good idea of what kinds of great vegetables you could be eating in large amounts to get proper nutrition. You can blend those concepts with your meat recipes and your meals should come out pretty awesome. You'll feel a lot fuller too, with no guilt. :)
  • I did a healthy eating course and that helped me to understand portion sizes. what we actually need and what we eat is very different. we nearly all of us eat far too big helpings of food. i've changed my plates and sometimes weigh my foods to check they are more healthy for me. i try not to restrict too much on what I eat and concentrate on how much.
    I loose wight slower than most people, but I hope to live with those portion sizes of food for a long time.
    I have got used to eating much less, and even when I try now to eat bigger portions I cann't face it and leave food on my plate. exersize will give you more calories to consume.
    And since I've been using this site i've learned not to be too hard on myself with the 1200 calorie rule. I sometimes go a few hundred over and sometimes I go under. but i have learned not to loose heart and give up. It takes a long time to gain weight so we cann't expect to change what we eat for a few days and loose all we've gained, so you have to look at it more long-term. make weight-loss part of what you do now and that'll mean eating more carefully and thinking what you eat every-day.
    You will go over, it takes time to re-ajust everything you have been doing to get you where you are now,
    but gradually you can change those things. its about cutting down not cutting out completely, and adding new fresh foods to what you eat instead of processed foods take aways and things you know make you gain a lot of weight. please dont be discouraged, you've done well to start. and if you have to restart every day you'll get there, but remember its a new habit your growing into so it'll all take time.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    The first few weeks is a learning experience. At least it was for me. Learning about portions, calories (among other things) and how to fit the foods into meals to add up to the amount I needed for that day.
    Don't let it discourage you. Once you learn more about the calories in/calories out system it gets a lot easier.
    Hang in there, keep journaling and working off those calories and you will start seeing results before you know it.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Don't know much about your situation, but I'll give my two cents: I know you've probably heard this, but you should consider cutting out most of your bread servings, especially if you're eating products made with white flour (even "enriched"). Replace your white bread with wheat or whole grain bread. A couple slices a day won't hurt you. Try to limit your dairy products, as they are high in fat and calories and virtually have no real nutritional value that you can't find in a healthier source like vegetables. Even if your'e not into becoming vegan, you should look up stats on the vegan diet to get a good idea of what kinds of great vegetables you could be eating in large amounts to get proper nutrition. You can blend those concepts with your meat recipes and your meals should come out pretty awesome. You'll feel a lot fuller too, with no guilt. :)

    I agree with substituting the whole grain breads/pasta for white, but not with limiting dairy. I'd try switching to lower fat dairy products. If you are using whole or 2% milk switch to 1% or if you can handle it skim. If you are eating full fat yogurt and cheese switch to fat free. I eat yogurt at least once a day and I'm still able to stay within a 1300 calorie goal. The calcium you get from these dairy products is very important for women. There are also all kinds of studies out saying that lower calorie dairy is beneficial in weight loss.
  • petey49
    petey49 Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies. I do feel a bit better. I realize that this is going to be an on-going journey but better than the high blood pressure medication that if I don't change I will have to start taking (blood pressure is borderline right now so I don't want it to go higher).

    LaurieEReid: Thank you for pointing out the exercise calories. I did not understand how the calorie counter works, now I do (yahoo a few more calories for my day, if I exercise, great motivator to do so).

    Littleluvbug: "Special K Yuck" This was the first time I tried that product and hated it. I prefer my plain oatmeal. I do know that if you like something you will be more successful with it.

    GorillaNJ: The 1200 calories is what is suggested by the sight. I might try and change my weekly weight lose goal if I find this too difficult to follow.

    Thank you all for the friend requests. It make me feel better that there is support.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Hang in there... Check out my diary for ideas on low cal meals. Try eating 5-6 times per day. Replace milk with almond milk, use no refined sugars (use stevia instead) or processed foods (deli meats etc). Pork is not good for a nutritious diet either.

    I ALWAYS plan my meals the day before. This way I don't deviate from what I can eat, and I know will keep me on track. When I enter it, I know exactly my caloric intake for the next day, this way avoiding disapointment when I would log it after ingesting it.

    Keep at it, and take it day by day. Looking at the larger picture is sometimes ovewhelming. Be gentle with yourself - don't beat yourself up...
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Instead of setting your calories very low. Why not set them at something a little easier like 1500 or 1800 and then set a goal to yourself to work out and burn at least 300-600 a day so that it burns down to 1200 net instead? Or eat normal for a week and just log everything anyway to get a "feel" for the calories involved in some of your most common foods. :)
  • cjegger
    cjegger Posts: 24 Member
    Once you start logging, you'll have a better idea of the nutrition of the things you eat. One thing, though....you stated you had 1 CUP of dry pasta. Just my 2 cents.....if you really had 1 cup of dry pasta....that is like 3x the recommended serving size. 1/2 cup of cooked pasta is the recommended serving. Just trying to let you see how many empty calories you might be eating. And if you are going to eat pasta, rice and bread, whole wheat/grain is much better for you fiber wise.
  • Don't be discouraged!!! If you like, do a range btwn 1200 and 1500 and alternate between those numbers when you eat. Do breakfast, lunch, and dinner each worth about 300 to 350 calories each, including snacks. I find snacking in between with fruits, veggies and snack bars like nature valley(for example) really helps alot. I'm doing the same thing in regards to calorie intake of 1200 and it gets easier and you will get used to it. I also have my cheat day(fri or sat) when i eat whatever I want without counting. Also Jsecret idea is also a great one. Hope this helps and good luck!!!
    P.S. FYI I'm a HUGE advocate for zumba dvd's wkout system. You will be amazed how this changes your body and the cardio you burn while having so much fun. In case you are looking for a great wkout! :flowerforyou:
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Where did you come up with the 1200 calories a day? Is that what was recommended on here when you put in your goals? Maybe try to bump yourself to loosing 1lb a week instead of 2... at least to start with.

    I agree with this. Whatever you do needs to be sustainable and 1lb a week is far easier to cope with.
  • I am trying to get over having to stuff myself at every meal. I pretty much walk around all day hungry now as my body relearns how to cope with a normal amount of food... I know I have to stick with it to " shrink" my stomach and i'm eating small frequent meals but yeah I really want to gorge sometimes on something anything.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    GorillaNJ: The 1200 calories is what is suggested by the sight. I might try and change my weekly weight lose goal if I find this too difficult to follow.

    Thank you all for the friend requests. It make me feel better that there is support.

    If MFP is telling you to eat 1200 calories, then yes, you should be definitely eating the 300 calories you're burning in exercise, giving you another 200-300 calories a day, which will make a HUGE difference. On the days I don't work out and can only eat the 1260 MFP gives me I'm cranky, but if I can get it up to 1500 or 1600 by exercising I have no troubles at all.

    Also, if you only have 20 pounds to lose I'd make sure your goal is set to 1 lb a week. the 1.5 and 2 pounds a week settings are for people who have significantly more to lose.

    My food diary is set public if you want to take a look at what I've been eating. I've lost six pounds in three weeks but I've got 3x as much as you do to lose, too.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You should start planning your diary a day ahead, that way you can have each meal figured out and not have to worry about going over. I'm on a 1200 calorie a day diet and it's very doable.

    Yes, yes, a million times yes.

    I am currently doing 1200 calories a day because of a healing injury, I can't currently exercise. My husband and I always know what we are eating for dinner the following day so I will enter that into MFP. Dinner tends to be my largest calorie meal, so I then see how many calories are left over for lunch and dinner and go from there.

    Honestly, I don't think I could do MFP and reduce calories without planning since I haven't been at this long enough to know (roughly) how many calories are in meatloaf or pizza or most foods really, without looking it up in the database. It is impossible to portion what you will eat before knowing the calorie count in a meal.
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    Don't be discouraged! Eat veggies and fruits for snacks! They are good for you and are very low in calories! For example, if you like fresh celery, it takes more calories to digest celery then it actually has in it! Also, drink iced cold water, it helps your metabolism kick in to higher gear! Good luck and don't be discouraged! You'll be glad you followed through with your goals!
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