Insanity ordered

Hi all,

I have taken the plunge and ordered Insanity so expect to receive it in the next day or so. I will be looking to follow the meal plans as close as I can and I was wondering if anyone has any advice for how to use myfitnesspal with Insanity?




  • nerli315
    nerli315 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on week 2 of insanity and I love it so far. The recommended foods are delicious and keep me satisfied all day. I'm not sure what your daily schedule is, but I'm out of the house all day so I've been waking up 2 hours earlier than usual to exercise and prepare my Meals 1-3 to take in my now huge lunch bag. lol. The meal plan doesn't say anything about salt or herbs/spices so I try to keep my salt intake to the standard recommended daily value of 1/2 teaspoon and I use herbs and spices freely. If you're going to follow the recipes exactly, I would put all the ingredients as meals in myfitnesspal so it takes less time to enter them in. I'm doing it as I add a new meal to my repertoire, but you could do it ahead of time.

    Oh, I also purchased a yoga mat along with sticky gloves from amazon. I sweat a lot and when doing pushups and other floor work I find that I'm losing my position because of the slippery sweat running down my arms to my hands. If you're the same way, I would recommend something like what I purchased (link following). They were cheap and got great reviews. I really like hem so far in helping me to not lose my grip.
