Sick After Running 10k???

HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone else out there get sick after running a long(er) distance? I was/have been running pretty regularly 2-3 times a week between 3-6 miles at a time. Everyone once and a while, when I do a long run 5-7 miles, I will finish then have some serious stomach cramps and such for hours afterward. This happened last week after a 10k on Thanksgiving.

Any insite would be awesome. I am debating on training for a marathon next year, but need to figure this issue out before I do that. Or if there are other who this also happens to, would be nice to know I am not the only one.


  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Do you eat before running? I run on an empty stomach, unless i'm doing distances over 10 miles. Then i'll have maybe 1/2 a luna bar prior and a 1/2 a gel pac during.

    Any more and i'll get an upset stomach.
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member

    I run using the Jeff Galloway method. I am training for a half marathon and am reading one of his books. This is a couple of pages from his book that talks about stomach issues when running. Hope it is helpful!
  • Oh my gosh! the same thing happened to me over the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm running in a 10k this coming Saturday and did my "practice run" last week. I had an upset stomach afterwards and had to run to the bathroom a couple of times. I've researched this subject and have found its completely normal. From what I read, 50% of people have stomach issues after long runs and it's best to experiment with your diet before the run. I'm also pretty sure your body will adjust to the longer runs the more you do them. When I was younger I used to get an upset stomach on even short runs, but thankfully that no longer happens. Lets hope both of our bodies will adjust to the longer runs :smile:
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Calcote05, thanks for the link. That answered a few questions. I think purhaps my body just wasn't used to it and there has been a build up of stress lately. I guess it was just a perfect storm or something.

    Kymb529, good luck with your race this weekend! Hope your stomach behaves!
  • Make sure that you are hydrated for sure! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate before the race, but not the day of. If you are only running 10K, then you shouldn't need to drink anymore than a mouthful of water about half way through the race. Nor should you require energy bars or gels....these are for much longer distances. If you feel that you do need a supplement, then make sure you are paying attention to what's in it. Sugar and Fibre are going to work against you during the race. If you are feeling ill after the race, your sodium levels may be very low. You burn through your sodium supply very quickly while running so make sure that you are replenishing it after wards. Hope this helps! I ran across the tip on sodium in a recent article lately and it sure helped me out!
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