Has anyone increased calories eaten per day & lost more weig



  • ginnyroxx
    I haven't read the other responses here yet, but ::raising my hand:: i have!

    I started here just over 40 days ago. I quickly lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Then i gained 2 pounds. Then stalled. I started eating back about 98% of my workout calories (leaving a little room for measuring errors) and have lost the last 2 weeks. I'm still not at my lowest MFP weight, but that's b/c it's my TOM. I will be there and lower next week if this trend continues.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    I eat between 1400-1800 calories per day but I work out a lot and burn anywhere from 500-1000 calories each time. If you look at my nutrition report, it says I am coming in under 1200 net most days but I am still losing at the rate of 1-1.5 lbs. per week. I started doing this site because I ate too much while working out a lot so it's not the exercise that has changed.

    I rarely eat all my exercise calories (maybe Sundays-my day off and the only workouts I get in are cleaning and walking the dog) but I intentionally leave a several hundred calorie deficit so I have room if I miscalculate a portion size, aren't exactly sure how many cals. are in something I eat and to leave room for when I'm tasting things as I cook. I only have 5 lbs. to go and know the loss will come slower but things are working well for me now so I'm not going to change anything.
  • shoegirl2
    In the past when I had lost weight, when I did eat more I lost weight more steadily. Someone sent me this blog link yesterday that addresses this subject: http://www.debramoorhead.com/blog/index.php/how-i-lost-25-pounds-in-one-month/
    It is very interesting!
  • naughtydoguk
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?
  • naughtydoguk
    Every week I have ensure I have a day where I am over my allowance, it helps stop you going into starvation mode. It's called the zig-zag method and is recognised fat loss method.
  • naughtydoguk
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?

    What!! As in pepper? How do you work that into your diet.
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    Every week I have ensure I have a day where I am over my allowance, it helps stop you going into starvation mode. It's called the zig-zag method and is recognised fat loss method.

    - Weight Watchers has an unofficial version of this called the Wendie Plan, and I read in an awful article one time the anorexic version is the 2,4,6,8 plan - so no matter where you're at it seems to be universal that confusing the body & mixing up the calorie intake must work!

    Any spicy food is good for revving metabolism :) As long as the calories are kept down of course :) No spicy creamy kormas.
  • ginnyroxx
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?

    What!! As in pepper? How do you work that into your diet.
    yummy! I add it to my crockpot chili
    i also add it to my veggie soups!

    mmmmm spicy!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Also, You can find cayenne pepper in a capsule called "cool cayenne" at any health food store.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    I was stuck on a 3 week plateau after loosing about 40 pounds (in 10 months). I was routinely falling well below 1200 net calories consumed on my workout days. I was always sure to fuel well on big hiking days, but for the smaller, more frequent workouts, i didnt bother and just thought they would be additional calories burned and would = faster weight loss. Wrong.

    I now eat my "just under goal" calories on non-workout days (sick lately, so a lot of them unfortunately!) and i eat back enough calories burned thru exercise to get me back to a 1200 net calories consumed level

    After stagnating (and working my @$$ off) for 3 weeks, i quickly began losing again.

    If you are stuck on a plateau, its one of the areas to examine anyways! Here is a link to another thread on NET cals consumed http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/137562-net-calories-question
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    bump to read later.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    In the past when I had lost weight, when I did eat more I lost weight more steadily. Someone sent me this blog link yesterday that addresses this subject: http://www.debramoorhead.com/blog/index.php/how-i-lost-25-pounds-in-one-month/
    It is very interesting!

    i have just read this link and i am baffled by it...how is it possible?? to maintain my goal weight i'd need to eat about 1700cals...before exercise...yet mfp tells me to maintain my current weight it's onlt 1800or so....so that's only a 100ish deficit...so it's not actually possible is it!?!

    tbh i'd love to give this a try as i get married in 6weeks, but do i really have time to risk a gain??

    to answer the OP....i have been on 1200cals and hit a stop, have upped to 1500 and do seem to be dropping weight again
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?

    I used to take cayenne tablets, but can't say I got a difference. I do use cayenne pepper at work as a seasoning.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Remember you want to eat foods that are good and burn fat!

    What foods burn fat in particular?

    I used to take cayenne tablets, but can't say I got a difference. I do use cayenne pepper at work as a seasoning.
    I used to take it in the morning before breakfast, then, when I felt it burning a hole in my stomach, I started taking it with food. One day immediately after taking it, i got the sweats and felt like I was going to puke. I stopped taking them that day. Now I am going to try them just before my workout and hope I don't puke-propel myself off the treadmill.
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    boho, i was doing 7 pm- i know its only an hour later, but it seems to be easier to start out that way. good luck!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Case in Point; Let's say a group of men were trapped in a mine below ground and were digging and scraping the sides of the tunnel leading out to freedom every day to widen it for possible rescue. burning calories galore, each man was happy with his weight and did not want to loose or gain an ounce, So food was lowered down to each man appropriately to sustain their current weight, However someone above ground thought that since the men were working so hard and burning up energy (calories) they needed more food to maintain their desired weight, however the men did not eat the extra food for fear they might loose weight, hmmmm how stupid does that sound..
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Just wondering - there was an debate here last week about 'starvation mode' if its a myth or not.

    I'd like to know if anyone has actually increased their calorie intake & lost more weight?


    All I know is that I ate 1200 calories per day, exercised three times per week burning between 600-700 calories per session, did not touch my exercise calories for three and a half months and lost weight. When I started to go into my exercise calories, my weightloss slowed down and almost stopped.

    I guess it is individual for everybody.

    In my own case, restricting my caily calorie intake enabled me to lose weight.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Yes, I had to when I first started. The default calorie deficit was far too low and I lost no weight and felt terrible. Once I upped it, I had much more energy and lost the weight easily. (I didnt have much to lose, about 15#) I think my deficit was at less than a half pound a week, but it came off quicker than that.
  • pchann
    pchann Posts: 84
    I'm a big fan of cayenne it has many many benefits. I take it in capsule form usually about 2-4 pills a day. Word of caution...take it with food! In the middle of the meal preferably. Take it from me if there is one thing you don't want is cayenne pill heartburn. Been there done that and am very careful not to let it happen again.