Looking for friends!

Hello! I've been lurking on here for ages, not really doing anything, but over the last month I've really started to take it seriously. HOWEVER, I struggle with motivations (especially if I'm out with friends) and so I'm looking for some myfitnesspal friends to keep me motivated! Ideally people who post quite often as I'm really inspired by seeing how other people are doing.

My diary is open to friends, I don't have a huge amount to lose (about stone and a half), I believe in losing slowly and not depriving myself of anything, I go to the gym and I've started to lift (so much fun!).

In summary I need some people to inspire me to keep on track as it's easy for me to forget I'm supposed to be dieting somedays! :smile:


  • Jimmie342
    Jimmie342 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there and welcome! I'd be happy to add you and keep you motivated. The more friends you have on here, the easier it is to stay on track. Feel free to message me of you have any questions or just want to chat.