Tracking Exercise

edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone else not track exercise on MFP?

I personally don't like how it adds my exercise calories automatically to my calorie total I am allowed for the day, I wish there was an option where you could choose whether you want it to do that or not.

I go to the gym mon-sat (not on sunday because of work and gym hours) but don't track the exercises here


  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I agree that I don't like the way it tracks it. For me, the issue is that if you do 2 sets of cardio exercises (different kinds) it adds it all together and makes if look a little unreal at times. I wish it would break it down into the different kinds or at least give you that option. I do track my exercise on here, but use the numbers off of the equipment I'm using rather than numbers that come up and also research other places for numbers that can't be found on equipment, rather than just assuming that the numbers I put ina re going to be correct since things are so individualized. Yes, type A here. LOL. Food on the other hand, I only track calories here since I was already tracking the other stuff on a google docs spreadsheet that I can get to whenever.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Well, what I have noticed is that this site starts the week on Monday...which is incorrect. The first day of the week is Sunday, so I keep track of My exercise on a different calendar. I put in My exercise here but I do it when I have completed what I will eat for the day because I can better track My Eating Plan calories and nutrients BEFORE the "exercise" calories and nutrients are added in. I am more into the number of days and minutes of My Exercise Routine than the calories burned. I eat a set amount of calories period.
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