Getting back to what was working after a few months off

Has anyone taken several months off and then tried to go back? I'm lacking motivation in restarting my weight loss journey. A brief history, from April of 2012 to February 2014 I lost 95lbs with the help of MFP and IIFYM thru regular weight lifting and walking. Then in February, over the course of 6 weeks I found out that my Grandma passed, my Father had cancer and my Wife had to have a total hysterectomy. Probably needless to say at this point, but I became the caretaker, stopped counting calories and basically did everything wrong for weight loss. I barely worked out, starved myself and then gorged. I guess fortunately at this point I've only gained 20lbs since February. Now that my Grandma's estate is settled, my wife is back to normal and my father is thru chemo/radiation, I want to get back to it. I just seem to lack the same dedication that I once had. A planned cheat meal turns out to be a cheat day, I skip workouts, eat too much, etc. I'm looking for advice on staying focused on myself instead of worrying about others since that's all I did for the past several months. Any advice?


  • I struggled with this myself very recently.
    In winter, I was put on a different medication for awhile, that even while on my better eating plan and working out, made me gain weight. When I finally got my doctor to switch me to a different medication and got the first one out of my system, I had gained back nearly half of what I had spent the last year losing. I was so upset and felt so defeated, it took my a long time to convince myself that I had to get back to it.

    In the end, for me it was reminding myself how much better it made me feel. Yeah, it takes work. But at the end of the day when I have eaten right and have moved my butt, I truly feel better. So I stopped focusing on the numbers, and focused on making my life better.
  • Dentice143
    Dentice143 Posts: 42 Member
    Has anyone taken several months off and then tried to go back? I'm lacking motivation in restarting my weight loss journey. A brief history, from April of 2012 to February 2014 I lost 95lbs with the help of MFP and IIFYM thru regular weight lifting and walking. Then in February, over the course of 6 weeks I found out that my Grandma passed, my Father had cancer and my Wife had to have a total hysterectomy. Probably needless to say at this point, but I became the caretaker, stopped counting calories and basically did everything wrong for weight loss. I barely worked out, starved myself and then gorged. I guess fortunately at this point I've only gained 20lbs since February. Now that my Grandma's estate is settled, my wife is back to normal and my father is thru chemo/radiation, I want to get back to it. I just seem to lack the same dedication that I once had. A planned cheat meal turns out to be a cheat day, I skip workouts, eat too much, etc. I'm looking for advice on staying focused on myself instead of worrying about others since that's all I did for the past several months. Any advice?

    My advice is to start with some small weekly goals....such as log every day for a week...or exercise at least 4 times this may have to keep these same small goals for a couple weeks to complete them, but just keep going.

    I, at one point, had logged for a total of 155 days straight and lost 22 pounds...then I fell off...why? I honestly have no clue...but now I am back, have successfully logged for 25 days straight and am at 18.5 pounds, besides the scale goals, my goal is to exercise 5 days a week, stay under my calories, and keep logging to reach and exceed my previous achievements... I wish you good luck!