Advice please

I am not hungry and the idea of putting any more food in my mouth right now makes me want to gag.
I still have not worked out today, other than cleaning. Feel free to look at my food diary,that is just what I have planned for dinner and evening snack.
The question is...
Do I listen to my body or force down more food?


  • james3302
    I would try to get closer to my goal if I was you, especially since you are over 500 calories off . Eat more high calories foodss next time. Two tablespoons of PB will get you closer to your goals quit easily. But if you simply cannot eat anymore today then don't I only say this because you have been real close to your calorie goal and even went over on Thanksgiving. One day will not hurt, just don't make a habit of it.
  • Sherelly
    Listen to your body and don't eat if you're not hungry. You'll make up for it another day when the cravings may get the best of you.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    drink your calories then...have a glass of milk...i prefer almond chocolate milk...or a slimfast shake...don't stuff your face if you're not hungry...have 2 cups of apple juice instead
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    ALMOND MILK!!!!!! I love you.