Need motivation for losing baby weight!

I had my son almost two years ago (since he will be 2 in October.) Anyway, I had the Mirena IUD and it messed my whole body up in many ways. I just recently had it taken out, but since I got it put in right after I had him, I gained over 30 pounds.

Before I had my son, I weighed 110. The last weight I had on the day he was born, I weighed 156. After his birth within the first 6 weeks I got down to 130. Now I weigh 150 because my Mirena caused me to pile on weight.

I am generally an all around active person due to my job and chasing a toddler and maintaining a household is a lot of work as well.

I KNOW I may not be able to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm not really THAT focused on my weight, I just want to be healthy (losing weight would be nice as well).

Has anyone else had the Mirena and had problems caused by it? I've read a ton of blogs and such where people have said it has, so if you have, what did you do to lose the weight and what would be your advice to me?

I also decided to take August 1st as a new month to create a new me and I have been really strict on what I've been eating and I have to say that I feel fantastic, it's just hard for me to stay full :/

ALSO, any advice right now would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance, Desiree.