I need friends for accountability! Candida Diet

Hi all! I've used MyFitness off and on for a while, but I'm pretty done being at the weight I am. My candida symptoms are also driving me crazy (talk about itchy skin ALL the time) so I'm looking for some friends on here to keep me active and focused. I've done this diet before and the results were great for my symptoms and my weight! So, please add me if you are interested or are on a sugar free diet. I look forward to it!


  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, I've been battling Candida overgrowth since January of this year and feel SO much better! I'd love to have another like minded eater to share meal and snack ideas with!
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    How's your anti-candida diet going?

    Today is day 1 for me. No grains, no dairy, no yeast, no sugar. I also went for a 45 minute walk around the suburb I live in. I had been trying to go the gym to get fit but I got SICK SICK SICK every time I went! I learned about candida overgrowth just recently and the way my body is behaving and the number of times I have been sick and on antibiotics this year has me CONVINCED that I have a candida overgrowth issue (I think I've had this for YEARS). Going to the gym was putting way too much pressure on my immune system. So for the next three months while I eat really strictly, I'm just going to walk daily and go for a swim once or twice per week.

    I made a decision yesterday to start the candida diet today so last night I pigged out on icecream and hot chips last night and really suffered for it this morning.

    I'm really keen to join "support" here also. A lot of people on MFP think its ok to eat ANYTHING as long as you are staying with in your calories. not good! Sugar and other foods make me so sick. And god it's hard to get off! i have tried to get off sugar about 4 times in the last 6 weeks and I can only manage a few days then I bust.

    I've joined a "candida support group" on facebook. They seem to have LOADS of knowledge and they are very supportive.
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    I'll check out that Facebook group! How are things going for you this week? I feel your pain with the sugar thing. I love my sugar - of all types!