Has anyone told you to stop losing weight?



  • missrobeena
    missrobeena Posts: 11 Member
    So far my mom has been the only one to tell me to stop (she thinks that measuring and weighing food is crazy... but she's also a lot heavier and has been for a long time) but I've had friends that have found ways to subtly damage my progress.

    I had a friend visit recently who knew that I was running and keeping track of my food. She kept trying to guilt me into eating everything that she ate (which was a LOT. This girl is big.) and pulling the "We're on vacation! Why are you doing all that? There's no point and we're going to have tons of food at Christmas anyways (My family does Christmas in July, complete with a full turkey dinner with all the fixins'.)

    There was an "all you can eat Tapas" at a spa that we went to and I ended up retaining a lot of water (about 2lbs worth) because of all the sodium. When I was being extra careful the next day to drink enough water, she wouldn't stop giving me ****.

    Eventually I put her in her place and told her that my goals aren't going to happen by accident and that she needs to get off my back. I know that she's jealous, but I refuse to let that jealousy make me feel bad for the progress I've made.

    tl;dr Friends on vacation are *kitten*.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @OP- Only listen to the advice of your doctor or dietician. All others can kindly mind their own business.

    Congrats and best of luck on your journey! :smile:
  • AusteenaHayes
    I totally agree with you! I am at 147 and working my way down to 140 and hopefully back down to 135. Which is where I was back in high school. People tell me I don't need to lose anymore, ***** back off its my body and if I feel I want to lose I will. Mind their own damn business! Seriously it pissed me off when people tell someone to stop losing. Like, one girl I use to be friends with tried to tell me to stop losing, I wasn't done with my damn journey. Basically she said that to me because I was actually losing and she was still a ****ing fat *kitten*. Jealous much? Yeah, I think she definitely was. It was completely obvious.
  • AusteenaHayes
    I hit my first goal weight this week, 150, and I'm now teetering around 148. I was going to go to 145 and then possibly to 140 but literally THREE people came up to me today and told me to stop losing weight. I could not believe how uncomfortable I was. What's their reasoning? I still think I have work to do and weight to lose. But how do I know when enough is enough?

    Oh, and I should mention a friend tried to make me feel better by saying "Don't worry, you are in NO WAY skinny"....Maybe everyone should just mind their own bees wax and I should keep doing my thing.
    You should smack those people. Violence is always the answer.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    It may be different reasons. people may be jealous of your success. People may just not be used to seeing you skinny. People don't like change! In America, the standard is to be overweight. Who knows? As long as you're healthy and not exhibiting disordered eating, don't worry about it. Evaluate if these people think you're starting to look sickly or are concerned by the type of foods/quantity you eat. For example, if you have coworkers that are concerned, and you never eat lunch anymore, then people could be concerned. If you eat a well balanced meal with protein and veggies and good fats in front of them, then most likely they are being petty.

    I agree with all of this.

    I still weigh 175 at 5'8", definitely an overweight lady...I've had people who knew me in my teens saying I should stop right away and even that my loss is "disturbing" and I honestly think it's because I was much bigger at sixteen than now at 37...they don't know a thinner version of me so it's weird to them. That is their problem, not mine.

    But yeah -- I do think it's good to listen to those who may be concerned about your health, just to see if their comments have ANY merit. I had a coworker in her 60's who had always been obese, and after getting to a healthy weight through moderate dieting she developed some seriously bad habits like drinking Diet Coke all day and not eating food. I suspect her dinners weren't much either. Anyway, it was thanks to her concerned coworkers that she sought counseling and avoided more trouble down the road.
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    I had a friend tell me that I shouldn't lose any more weight. We were talking about working out and she just randomly said it. At that point, I had lost about 8 lbs. Of all my friends, I am one of the skinniest of the bunch. Not saying that I am close to being skinny, but you know what I am saying. I think it's because compared to her and a couple other friends, I am considered small. There is probably some jealously as well. I have heard her say that she is overweight and she's afraid because of that she might not be able to have children one day. I am sure she wants to lose some weight, but doesn't have the drive to do it.

    Like many others have said, talk to your doctor. They are one the best people to talk to about your own health. My doctor and I figured out a plan together on what is good and what isn't. My doctor gave me a range that I should be in regarding weight. When I get close to there we are going to reevaluate to make sure everything is going right.
  • MzHornedOne
    MzHornedOne Posts: 71 Member
    People used to say this to me all the time when I was losing weight! It's SUPER annoying.

    I think it makes people uncomfortable to see someone get too successful! If you're not anorexic that screw that they say! They have no right to tell you what to do.

    Congratz on hitting one of your goals and go as far as you think you can go while staying healthy. It's your body :)
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    people used to tell me that all the time its really irritating.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    My grandma just made me really uncomfy asking me why I was losing weight. She was pretty annoyed with me lol. Was I trying to?? After I said yes, she told me to stop it. I just laughed at her and said OK grandma. I love my grammy so it doesn't bother me. Plus she's 90, so I do what she says. Never mind the fact that I'm at goal anyway.:drinker:
  • hoktauri
    hoktauri Posts: 24 Member
    I have people tell me that I don't need to lose weight, it's normal for guys to be a little over. Considering I'm about 40 over the average for my height I think I need to keep moving down.
  • stevee290
    stevee290 Posts: 85 Member
    All the time but I can see where they are coming from my face is very thin but I'm trying to get rid of the last few pounds on my belly.

    I try to explain I have a BF% goal not a goal weight I think most people find that confusing.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I think a lot of people believe they are saying it as a compliment. They don't know how to just say well done you're looking great. Instead they say stop losing.

    On a side note you will probably not see your body the same as them because it can take awhile for you to adjust to the news size. Some keep seeing the weight even though its gone.

    And by all means keep going if you still feel you need to. But drives me crazy when people(most often women) say I used to weigh this and I want to weigh that. Well you know what girls bodies change as we age and you probably aren't going to weigh the same from 18 to 80.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Peoples weight perception is way off.
    I get compliments at work about how skinny I am now,..I'm ..not..skinny...
    I have at least 20lb to lose for me to be happy. (and in the middle of a healthy BMI)

    Unless you've always been "skinny" people tend to think you're going overboard when you're just trying to reach a healthy weight.

    I always tell them that officially I'm still considered overweight.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    There's a point in time when your body hasn't fully caught up to the changes you've made. I've seen people go through this and I was guilty of telling them not to lose any more weight too. When I went through it for myself I realized I needed to shut up about others weight because for 3-4 months during the weight loss I looked a bit sickly too. I wasn't sick, was getting plenty of nutrients, exercise, fluids and sleep but my skin hadn't quite snapped back so perhaps that's where you are right now, I was 10-15 pounds heavier than I am right now when I was being told to stop losing and now those same people are telling me I look amazing.

    I'm a firm believer that you'll know when your body is in it's comfort zone, the scale is just a way of putting a number to that.

    By the way in case anyone takes this wrong I am NOT saying you look sickly just sharing what I found for myself.
    Yes, but I don't overanalyze what people say. I was told by my aunt to stop losing weight when I was 200 pounds. I didn't think she was trying to say something mean.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Nope, but they HAVE told me to stop talking so much, stopp following them around, stop calling and texting them, stop sleeping at their front door, stop sending them love notes, stop wasting time listening to what other people say....etc.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    There's a point in time when your body hasn't fully caught up to the changes you've made. I've seen people go through this and I was guilty of telling them not to lose any more weight too. When I went through it for myself I realized I needed to shut up about others weight because for 3-4 months during the weight loss I looked a bit sickly too. I wasn't sick, was getting plenty of nutrients, exercise, fluids and sleep but my skin hadn't quite snapped back so perhaps that's where you are right now, I was 10-15 pounds heavier than I am right now when I was being told to stop losing and now those same people are telling me I look amazing.

    I'm a firm believer that you'll know when your body is in it's comfort zone, the scale is just a way of putting a number to that.

    By the way in case anyone takes this wrong I am NOT saying you look sickly just sharing what I found for myself.

    Thank you for this! I was actually wondering if my body is still kinda making adjustments and possibly looking a little off while it figures things out.

    I guess I'm afraid of actually NOT going to be able to know when to stop because I see the weight coming off and honestly it's fun.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    my husband keeps saying I am too skinny. He is always commenting on this. I have to asure him that I am not going for skinny just fit with some muscles. Great job on getting under 150. I am almost there too
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    No one has told me that yet. I am 5' 6" and am closing in on 140. How tall are you?
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I think a lot of people believe they are saying it as a compliment. They don't know how to just say well done you're looking great. Instead they say stop losing.

    On a side note you will probably not see your body the same as them because it can take awhile for you to adjust to the news size. Some keep seeing the weight even though its gone.

    And by all means keep going if you still feel you need to. But drives me crazy when people(most often women) say I used to weigh this and I want to weigh that. Well you know what girls bodies change as we age and you probably aren't going to weigh the same from 18 to 80.

    I actually really agree. And also with the post about your body needing time to adjust to the new weight.

    This post pops up pretty frequently. Usually from people who have lost a chunk of weight quickly.

    Either the people telling you to stop are trying to compliment you... you can usually tell because they are smiling. Or they are honestly concerned. If honestly worried it is because a) you just look different and people don't like change... especially while they are static b) you actually look bad... which might just require you giving your body time to adjust, or you might want to focus on body comp or c) you actually took the weight loss too far and you just still see yourself as bigger as you are and can't see the objective result.

    If your weight is in the normal range or a weight acceptable to your doctor, see a and b.

    If your weight is lower than a healthy range for your frame see c.

    Or just make yourself happy and forget everybody else.