


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Have you tracked other stuff since you joined back in April 2013?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I can't imagine spending money on food that tastes that bad. A teacher at my school was on it. Just looking at her food made me want to take my food to another table. For a lot less money, you can lay in a store of individual containers with screw on lids, make up a bunch of tasty recipes, portion everything out and refrigerate or freeze it.

    I have at least 10 recipes I do this with and only cook about every other Sunday afternoon. I look forward to everything i eat. And I'm not spending that much money.
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    To answer the OP, yes, you can track NutriSystem on MFP. I've found all the foods I've eaten already in the database.

    I got tired of the yo-yo up and down even while calorie counting. Went to WW just for a change and came back to MFP...and the scale stuck. Decided that I needed convenience that NS offers and once I started it, the scale has moved more quickly than ever before.

    The food is ok to good depending on the entree. Helps to have spices and butter spray handy. Their desserts are really good and it nice to have one 2X a day. I opted for the frozen meals plan that I find to be tasty and filling. I don't have experience with the NS of old, but I find the food, convenience, and lack of extra effort required in order to lose weight well worth the cost.

    My plan is to utilize NS to get to goal (3.5 pounds away as of 8/18/2014) and gradually move back into a calorie controlled maintenance plan. I have missed cooking, just needed some assistance in food choices until I get to goal.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Did you end up doing NS?
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I tried it once and got down to my goal weight. Rather than getting the standard delivery I chose custom so that I could pick the items the items that taste good to me. However, the cost was a bit too much for me when I considered that I could do the same thing by eating smaller portions. If I was single then fine, but it was tough with a family (you eating one thing and your family eating something else)
  • cassique
    cassique Posts: 164 Member
    I'm currently on Nutrisystem and have had success. I buy the Costco giftcards for 60 dollars worth 100. So I basically get a month and half of food for 179 dollars, this is breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. If you were to tally up a grocery bill, i'm pretty sure you would pay more than that.
    I'll have to respectfully disagree with this comment. My grocery bill is about $400 a month for a family of 4 and a dog--and that is including cleaning supplies, paper goods, toiletries, and other non-edible items. So I am pretty sure the food only groceries for one person is much much lower than 179 a month. Although, if you rely on take out and eating out and other convenience meals, than yes you might be saving money using that plan.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    A woman I worked with tried it. She discovered the food was awful and brought it into work for all of us to try it. Yup. Bad, tasteless stuff in small portions for a lot of money.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I would suggest trying one of those 5 day trial boxes from Walmart. They cost around 40.00. See what you think.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm currently on Nutrisystem and have had success. I buy the Costco giftcards for 60 dollars worth 100. So I basically get a month and half of food for 179 dollars, this is breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. If you were to tally up a grocery bill, i'm pretty sure you would pay more than that.
    I'll have to respectfully disagree with this comment. My grocery bill is about $400 a month for a family of 4 and a dog--and that is including cleaning supplies, paper goods, toiletries, and other non-edible items. So I am pretty sure the food only groceries for one person is much much lower than 179 a month. Although, if you rely on take out and eating out and other convenience meals, than yes you might be saving money using that plan.
    and you still have to buy your own veggies and fruit.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    The clean eaters will attack, but I have had some success (I say "some" because I just started six weeks ago) doing my own version of Nutrisystem, but much cheaper. I buy Lean Cuisines, Weight Watchers Smart Ones, and Healthy Choice. Obviously, pre-packaged entrees are an option for those who don't like or have time to cook. I like the portion control and not having to guess on calories.