


  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I love me some fat free half and it love it love it. and splenda. i'm not shy. skim is good too. my coffe isn't too bad. i log it. i log everything but my chewing gum. lol
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I had a McDonalds coffee today and came home and it needed a little cream, all I had was Almond worked...does anyone suggest this? and for sweeteners is it better to use truvia and stevia or splenda? I don't even know what Truvia and stevia are.
  • Sparklewolfie
    cappuccino= 2-1 coffe to milk ratio
    latte = 1-3 coffee to milk ration
    meaning that there is more coffee in a cappuccino which means fewer calories! If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

    I used to always get a latte instead of a cappu because they are the same price and I did not want to pay for foam :tongue: but now I have switched t drinking cappu and it is not too different, but the calories are better!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I have one cup every day-travel mug size-and I log it. I do put splenda in it-but I also use Coffee Mate. I know-bad-but I log the calories-I measure out the amount I use, and that is part of my calorie intake for the day. Yup-I was approximately 105 calories before my day even starts. My verdict-COMPLETELY worth it!
  • shaggy22
    I say log everything if you can! I drink tonnes of coffee drinks, but I make sure that they fit into my daily calories.
  • MissChelleBelle
    MissChelleBelle Posts: 51 Member
    I drink about 4 - 5 "cups" of coffee / day (cups according to my coffee maker - equals about 2 - 2 1/2 mugs). I use creamo (10% MF) which I mix 1/2 & 1/2 with 1% milk, and add about 3/4 tsp of sugar/mug. Keeps my cals down, although the sugars add up fast. I am slowly trying to cut out my sugar completely.

    For every cup of coffee you drink, you should drink an extra cup of water - on top of your regular quota/day.
  • MissChelleBelle
    MissChelleBelle Posts: 51 Member
    i have my coffee with chocolate stevia and skim milk.... i log it its not that many calories

    What is stevia... and tuvia....are these sugar substitutes? Are they better than splenda?

    Truvia is Stevia (it's just the brand name for it). It's a natural sweetener without calories - from the leaf of the stevia plant. You use way less of it than you would sugar. I personally don't care for the taste of it, but it's better than the calories in sugar.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    What is truva? I did mean for weight loss, and unfortunately I drink mine with cream and splenda....uhh ooo.....not to mention I love the Christmas blend with french.

    Truvia is just another no calorie sweetener
  • rayfromtx
    off topic but as to the Truvia question,
    Truvia is a big lie like the spray oils that claim 0 calories. Truvia claims that a serving size is 3/4 tsp. They say that because a full tsp would be more than 5 calories. If a serving size is less than 5 calories, they are legally allowed to claim 0. If you read the label you will find carbs. There are no 0 calorie carbs that I'm aware of. The spray oils are the same. Read the ingredients. It is oil. The serving size is claimed to be 1/3 of a second. If you are able to use that amount, then you are using less than five calories, maybe. They also lie about the amount of calories when they don't use the "less than five per serving bs".

    This all happens because of corporate lobbyists "helping" to write the rules. Compact fluorescent bulbs use 1/4 the energy of incandescent bulbs but we don't let them claim that makes it 0 energy consumption. Lobbyists in the food industry have been a little more successful. These are the compromises that are made to get any labeling legislation passed at all.

    I use Truvia and spray oils. I don't log my Truvia or my spray oils but I am not fooling myself by thinking they are calorie free. Sorry for posting off topic but I hate letting the lie perpetuate. Also Truvia is not stevia by another name. It has some basis in stevia but contains sugar alcohols.
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    1 cup of coffee logs in at 23 calories. Nonfat milk and artificial sweetener. Apple wakes up better!! It stains teeth so I don't like it but the smell strengthens intermediate relationships.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I drink coffee because my doctor said it would help my lungs. I have some lung issues, and it does seem to help. I drink it with milk and sometimes unrefined sugar, and always log it.

    you should ask your doctor about nettle tea. it's supposed to be very, very good for the lungs and blood in general. personally, i like it just to drink it, but i started drinking it for healthfulness.

    and don't get me wrong. i do love me some coffee. i drink it every day and am drinking some right now, even.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i grow stevia - or rather, i did grow stevia for a while, until my friend's young daughter came over and ate my plant. :/ heheh.. it's an easy herb to grow and ridiculously sweet. a little goes a really really long way.