Fitness routine for beginners



  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I totally agree with the walking part .. you don't need Beachbody dvd's to have success.

    Walking is really under rated but it is great exercise with great benefits. I would consider it way before running ... very very likely for beginners especially to injure themselves running. I injured myself doing C25k .. and I was reasonably fit. I was definitely not overweight at the time.

    There are a zillion good work out videos on YouTube .. but my first thing I would recommend for beginners is just walking at least til you get into a good fitness zone where you can up your game.
  • joeggarcia
    I would strongly suggest reading "The Slight Edge" and implementing that into your life. Nutrition and Exercise is a life style and many people quit because they do not see immediate results please be patient give it 6 months - 1year. I see this happen all the time people try and do these insane diets and workouts and they become frustrated.

    If you have no weights a simple walk everyday increasing your time and/or jump rope every so often.

    +1 for Convict Conditioning..

    best of luck on your journey!
  • Tmoseley2
    Tmoseley2 Posts: 7 Member
    Since you have a treadmill, try the C25k app.
  • mrngstrgal
    mrngstrgal Posts: 3 Member
    When I started six months ago, I started walking on the treadmill at Planet Fitness. It soon became apparent that I would get easily bored with doing just this, so I canceled my cable and paid to see a personal trainer one day a week, Best decision that I ever made! Now I also do boot camps at a boot camp gym, that uses High Intensity Interval Training, but can easily be modified for my lower fitness abilities/knee issues,
    Do something that won't frustrate you or make you bored.
    Great job on quitting cigs and deciding to change your life!
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    The internet has made the world a great place for working out.
    This link ( has links to all of the Insanity workouts and pretty well every workout ever put out there by Jillian Micheals. If you look around online, you can likely find a boot leg copy of P90X etc too.
  • RichDalrymple
    RichDalrymple Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions.. This is what I've been doing since last week.

    1. Taking the stairs to the 5th floor I work on instead of elevotor
    2. Parking my car on the 6th floor of the garage and taking the stairs instead of the elevator
    3. Everyday on my lunch break at work i've been walking 1.5 miles.
    4. Evening (trying to either do a workout video daily or every other day via youtube)

    Hows that sound?
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    I find the row machine to be a hidden treasure in a gym - or for home use. Great for the joints -- it affects so many "body parts;" even a light, 25 minute workout on a row machine will burn over 200 calories. Combo strength & cardio -- a terrific start to any workout program. Good luck to you.
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    It sounds like you're committed, Rich. Good job! My doc says any program I'll stick with is a good program.
  • RichDalrymple
    RichDalrymple Posts: 12 Member
    I did this one last night and i thought i was going to pass out but in a good way if that makes any sense. It felt great..