Job affecting your weight loss?

I used to work at an office. So I was very sedentary. I don't work in an office anymore, but now I work in a retail establishment. Not clothing, not toys, not electronics...but chocolate. And not the cheap kind either! The good kind made from real ingredients. I limit myself to 1-2 treats a shift.

The issue is, is that I have not lost weight. Or at least the 2 scales we have at home say otherwise!

I have been recording for 40 days straight now and have mostly kept under my calorie goal. I have been exercising good cardio at least 3 times a week, but have gained no progress. I am being honest with my entries. Any of you have this problem?


  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    If you haven't gained anything, then you are at maintenance. Are you weighing everything with a food scale. Weigh solids and measure liquids.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Did you lose weight when you worked in an office?
  • zodan1976
    zodan1976 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a cake decorator / baker. Lots of goodies around me all day ;) but......I don't eat any of it!! I use to eat it every day thinking to or two wont hurt...... But once I took a step back and said no more.....I have lost 30lbs. Don't get me wrong.....Once in a while (and I mean maybe, (a big MAYBE) once a month?) I might have a small bite of something new that comes thru........Good Luck in your journey.....
  • mojo501976
    mojo501976 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all, I appreciate your hints and kind words!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Having a small piece of chocolate once a day at work shouldn't affect your progress so long as you are measuring how much of it you're eating, and logging it accurately. As another poster mentioned, a food scale can help you with accuracy for your general intake throughout the day. Good luck!
  • whyyesitsneke
    Having a small piece of chocolate once a day at work shouldn't affect your progress so long as you are measuring how much of it you're eating, and logging it accurately. As another poster mentioned, a food scale can help you with accuracy for your general intake throughout the day. Good luck!


    Rewards and treats do not have to be an 'only once a month' thing. Just make sure to track them, and keep in mind is it worth it as you eat them. That helps me to restrict mine!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I once lost weight working at a snack cake company, and yes I was daily hands-on with the products and got anything I wanted for free.

    It's possible.