Accountability partner 100+ to lose!

My name is brittany, I live in canada and I am 20 years old. I am roughly 295 pounds right now and it is my goal to be 199 by the end of the year and 160 by next year.

Im looking for someone who is extremely motivated like I am and who is willing to be accountability partners. Prefer someone with the same amount of weight to lose, or someone who has lost that weight (100+) and is willing to actually dedicate time and effort checking in every day. (I am willing to do the same for the other person)

Im looking for a friendship to develop here. I would like someone who is willing to communicate by facebook, email or over the phone or both. On MFP works too by the messages tab. Someone who is in it for the long run. Who wants to be with me side by side when we both accomplish our goals.

When the times are rough, we can help each other. When we feel weak we can call each other. That Failure and Giving up are not words in our minds or that we speak. Someone who isnt afraid to tough love me and slap me out of it. I am not afraid to do the same either.

If you're christian, thats a bonus. I'm christian and I do believe that Gods strength helps me get through this. But totally not necessary.

We can share thoughts and ideas and things that work. Shopping lists, meals, cooking ideas you name it. I'd like to take pictures of meals and of my polar fT4 watch when I complete my work outs.

I am doing first: Chalean extreme. followed by a hybrid with turbo fire and then just turbo fire. If you're someone who has these programs, even better. If not, thats fine too. Its mostly consistency i'm looking for.

If this might be you, please dont be shy and please message me. Add me as a friend. If you're looking for someone to push you and motivate you, and invest TIME and EFFORT on you, I will be that person. Because I believe YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Lets do this. Lets make the rest of this year and 2015 the last year we are over weight. Lets let go of all the past failures and commit, today, to a life changing moment where we see ourselves accomplishing our goals, and go for it.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon! <3



  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm happy to help, I've got about 100 lbs to lose. I'm on daily, I comment, check diaries and will send msgs if you haven't been on in a while. My diary is open to my friends. I eat pretty cleanly and I actually eat. I never net less than 1000 calories a day (usually in the 1200-1700 range) and I'm also Canadian ;)

    However, I hate to be a downer, but expecting to lose 100lbs in 5 months is probably unrealistic. Yes, the heavier you are the faster it comes off at the start but I fear that setting such an ambitious goal may set you up for failure. You may want to set a smaller goal. If you surpass it great but if you set a huge goal and don't meet it it could discourage you.

    Feel free to add me, and best of luck!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me!
  • msbizybee
    msbizybee Posts: 14 Member
    I work out!....about 3-5 times a week (+/- 6 hours) - high cardio low weights (~5000 Calories). I need to work on my consistancy. I also need to continue improving my diet and avoid cheats, breaks, and mini-vacations. I am 236 and 5'5" BMI of 39 I want to be136 lbs and have a healthy BMI - ASAP for all the right reasons.