Setting up rewards for milestones.

I'm really close to my first big milestone, 10 pounds down. As a reward for my self, I'm going to treat myself to my favorite candy, GUMMI bears! (I'm going to eat a reasonable amount). Have you done this for milestones? I feel it will help me to keep going


  • whyyesitsneke
    Personally, I have issues with over indulging, or binge eating, so I do not reward myself with food. But so long as you eat a small portion, log it in your food diary and be fully aware of it, a treat now and then is NOT a bad thing (I know many will disagree!).

    I love art, so when I hit a milestone in the past I would let myself buy something small (a new brush, fancy paint, etc) as a reward. This time around I intend to do the same thing. :) It makes me feel good, though the weight loss makes me feel even better!
  • fromaquasar09
    I try not to reward myself with food, it creates a weird thing for me when foods I "can't" eat are the "rewards". I reward myself with clothes and spa treatments haha. BUT if it works for you then go for it and enjoy the heck out of those gummi bears!