See no difference?

I've lost 40 pounds now, according to the scale, and my mother and my friends say I look thinner--but I just don't see it. I do have before an after pictures, but I'm waiting until I get below 200 to actually look at them.
My highest weight is 245, and as of this morning I'm 205, but I just don't see a difference! But I should right? 40 pounds is a lot, isn't it?
I drink tons of water, and eat completely healthy.

Also, I'm really just eating healthy, and that's how I'm loosing my weight. Are there any exercises I can do just easily in my room?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you're still wearing the same clothes, you might not see it when you look in the mirror. And it might be losses in places you yourself can't see that well. Keep it up. You might never "see" it the way others do. It's really common for young people to be hyper critical of their appearance.

    Lunges, squats, planks... but why do you have to stay in your room? Be proud of yourself. Be proud of what you're doing for your health.
  • whyyesitsneke
    What exercises you can do depend on what you want them to accomplish. Weight loss? Muscle gain? Fat loss? Etc. There are a ton of things that can be suggested, but really, it depends on the what behind it.

    As for losing weight and not seeing it... there is a lot of psychology and power of the mind behind that. I'm in the same boat; I lost 60 lbs before and I could not see it (gained it back, but not the point here). My doctor explained it something like this:

    We each have our mental idea of what we look like. Its why sometimes, a picture of us will show up and we will wonder "wow, am I that chubby/skinny/pale/etc?". That mental image of ourselves influences how we see ourselves in a mirror - not saying you're hallucinating, or anything, just that a few things can happen. One, before your weight loss you might have perceive dyourself as smaller, or two, maybe now you're perceiving yourself as bigger.

    There are a lot of other factors too, of course. Are your clothes loose? I have to measure myself, as I can never 'see' the loss happening, that might help you as well!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    The thing is your own perceptions are always skewed. i never thought I looked that Fat until I saw photos.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    when i've lost weight in the past (drastic circumstances, completely unhealthily), i've noticed it based on facial or body features that became more prominent, like cheekbones or collarbones, or even the ball-joint at my wrist. otherwise, it's only when i catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that my brain says "wait...what? did i just see that?"
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    when i've lost weight in the past (drastic circumstances, completely unhealthily), i've noticed it based on facial or body features that became more prominent, like cheekbones or collarbones, or even the ball-joint at my wrist. otherwise, it's only when i catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that my brain says "wait...what? did i just see that?"

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I could cross my legs again or my calves didn't rub together when I walked.
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    40 pounds is a big difference - you might be holding yourself to standard - think about little things like a watch or a belt tightening an extra notch. I've lost twenty so its super evident in photos yet but I can see the subtle changes. I think you might just have to look a little closer. :)
  • whyyesitsneke
    when i've lost weight in the past (drastic circumstances, completely unhealthily), i've noticed it based on facial or body features that became more prominent, like cheekbones or collarbones, or even the ball-joint at my wrist. otherwise, it's only when i catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that my brain says "wait...what? did i just see that?"

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I could cross my legs again or my calves didn't rub together when I walked.


    I noticed my collarbones were more prominent.

    Thats all I noticed though.
  • elroberto78
    You might not see it yourself because you see yourself every day but others notice. I ran into friends I hadn't seen for months on the weekend and they saw the difference. Also you notice things like clothes becoming looser but it's hard to visually track these changes because it's so gradual;