Cutting Out Foods



  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    A can of Coke has about the same number of calories as two eggs.

    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.

    Wouldn't you rather swap out the Coke for the two eggs while you're trying to lose weight?

    When I'm thirsty I'll go drink two eggs. And when I'm hungry I will go eat some construction paper.

    Bahaha! This one made me laugh out loud. :laugh:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    The problem with soda is that it's empty calories (high sugar, no nutritional value) and it will just keep adding on weight.

    unless, of course, she maintains a healthy caloric deficit while still able to enjoy soda.

    because, you know....
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    A can of Coke has about the same number of calories as two eggs.

    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.

    Wouldn't you rather swap out the Coke for the two eggs while you're trying to lose weight?

    Illogical post lacks logic.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.
    I don't doubt that this works for you but I promise you I am not satisfied after eating two eggs.
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    A can of Coke has about the same number of calories as two eggs.

    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.

    Wouldn't you rather swap out the Coke for the two eggs while you're trying to lose weight?

    When I'm thirsty I'll go drink two eggs. And when I'm hungry I will go eat some construction paper.

    I actually LOL
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    I found that reducing drinking soda has actually made me prefer things a little less sweet. I usually drink my juice with a little water added to it so it's not so strong, plus you get 'more' for the same amount of calories. I got used to drinking orange juice/cranberry juice a little watered down (75/25 usually) and it's really nice :)

    I agree try coke zero or maybe just limit yourself, maybe one or two cokes a week. That's very reasonable
  • Eh, I suppose I should clarify that the soda and juice is not making me go over my calories. Im careful enough about that. I don't drink a ton, and if I do, I make sure I don't go over.

    The issue isn't the calories, just that I feel i don't need it... but when its here, I drink it when I'm thirsty.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Eh, I suppose I should clarify that the soda and juice is not making me go over my calories. Im careful enough about that. I don't drink a ton, and if I do, I make sure I don't go over.

    The issue isn't the calories, just that I feel i don't need it... but when its here, I drink it when I'm thirsty.

    this is an interesting detail to add.

    if youre not going over, then why cut it?
    if you enjoy it, and youre able to maintain your deficit, then continue enjoying it. who knows...if you eliminate it, you may find yourself filling that craving with something else that DOES make you go over.

    sounds to me like youre doing it right!
    keep it up OP!
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    There's nothing wrong with Coke. If you have calories and want it, drink it. I personally don't drink sodas often because they do contain so many calories, but I don't do it because "I shouldn't."
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    I always justify drinking beer at night because it's better for you than coke and has less sugar than juice haha. It's hard finding a replacment for a beverage that isn't super high in sugar. I don't think juice is that bad for your though, even with the sugar (my problem is that it keeps me awake at night). Try cutting your juice 50/50 with water. If you can cut coke out of your diet, do it because it's pretty bad for you. Sorry I don't have any suggestions besides drinking beer instead!
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    You shouldn't ever completely cut any foods out. Just eat them less and in moderation. Because you'll quit eating those foods for the duration of your weight loss process, and then you'll reach your goal and then want to bring those foods back in, then you'll just regain all that weight all over again. So don't ever feel like you need to cut all bad foods out. Eat in moderation during your weight loss process, make it fit into your macros, (and if it doesn't, there is always tomorrow to get on track again) and the results will come! I'd rather eat what I like and have a slow weight loss process than cut it out, lose weight quickly and then regain it all when I bring foods back in that I gave up
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    A can of Coke has about the same number of calories as two eggs.

    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.

    Wouldn't you rather swap out the Coke for the two eggs while you're trying to lose weight?

    When I'm thirsty I'll go drink two eggs. And when I'm hungry I will go eat some construction paper.

    Another rocket scientist. Have a no calorie drink with your eggs. Didn't think of that one?

    Oh, it's you again. Back to fear monger some more? What's wrong with someone wanting a Coke with eggs?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Switch to Coke Zero. I find it tastes the exact same, with zero calories. HOWEVER I would also consider having it in the house at all. I only drink diet/coke zero when I am out for supper, or at the movie theatre - otherwise, its water!
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I don't believe in cutting things out infinitely, but if it's something you know is just not good for you -- soda -- and you want to not drink it, then get it out of your house. Out of sight, out of mind is the main thing that works for me. I was hooked on diet coke and I still indulge every now and then, but generally only at a restaurant, as I don't buy it at Costco anymore. As for juice, the only sips I take of that are after a shot of tequila. :drinker: I'd say same thing, just get it out of your house and have similar/healthier products available.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Re: what to drink so you can still feel like you are enjoying yourself, but being healthier - smoothies might work for you.

    Here's something I've been doing that has been very helpful in giving me something sweet, but begin more healthy than plain juice. I get a sweet, ripe watermelon, mix about 3-4 cups of this chopped watermelon with 1 cup water and the juice from two lemons, and then just blend it up in the blender until pretty smooth. Refrigerate until very cold, or even partially freeze so it's more like a slushy, and then just dilute it with water to a good consistency for you.

    If you don't like the feel of pulp, then the half-frozen is better. But this will give you the fiber from the fruit, but the sweet taste of juice. You could add a little honey or something if you like it sweeter. It's pretty much like a watermelon lemonade.

    I've done this with cantaloupe, too, and while a totally different flavor, it's nice, too.

    Also, it's good after exercise. The watermelon and lemon contain the right nutrients to be a moderately effective electrolyte replacement drink. Actually, just add a little salt and some calcium powder or 1Tb chia seeds and it IS an electrolyte replacement drink. So, useful there, too. :-)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    A can of Coke has about the same number of calories as two eggs.

    A can of Coke does nothing to fill you up, while two eggs can fill you up for some period of time.

    Wouldn't you rather swap out the Coke for the two eggs while you're trying to lose weight?

    Illogical post lacks logic.

    The rocket scientists are out tonight.

    So let's say you are on a 1,600 calorie daily limit. You struggle sometimes because you feel hungry. Now let's say it's 7:30 PM and you've had 1,450 calories. You can have two eggs and a Diet Coke, or just a can of Coke. Which will make you less hungry?

    Jeopardy music, please.

    OP didn't say she was struggling with hunger or calories. Your post is irrelevant.
  • JaimieAG
    JaimieAG Posts: 48
    Every one has their journeys. Baby steps... don't put too much pressure on yourself

    Swap coke for juice. Then juice for juicing.

    Swap coke for sweet tea. Then sweet tea for unsweet tea.

    Swap coke for diet coke. Diet coke for water.

    It's good to acknowledge, without judgment, that drinking lots of soda daily is not healthy.

    It's also good to acknowledge, without judgment, that coke is tasty & always available.

    Have a game plan ready in advance ;).

    Best of luck always. Soda is a tough habit to break but it's also one of the most beneficial to your health and such a milestone in your weight loss journey.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    I had this problem. I was drinking a full bottle of Diet Coke everyday and nothing else. I don't drink coffee or anything, and my energy levels were always low due to depression.
    How I resolved it was by drinking water, but not cutting out coke. So I always started the day off with a couple of glasses of water to make sure I wasn't thirsty, because if you're not thirsty it seems kind of nauseating to drink coke when you're full of water.
    I drink about 15 glasses per day now (and enjoy it) but I'll still have coke if I really feel like it.
    A bottle lasts a week now, though.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    i have cut soft drinks, but i never was a big soft drink drinker anyway... I find water can get boring so I have milk daily, I love my plain milk, and I drink both cow milk and almond milk
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I have never really drank coke. That would be like a big deal/decision for me to have one. To me, it's a waste of calories. But really, I just think there's a bunch of nasty crap in there.

    Have you ever tried the MASH sodas? Way more natural and probably a little less calories. I drink them when I'm craving something like that.