Do you count the sugars in fruit?

So, I let MFP calculate my sugars for me and it set it at 30g/day.

However, if I eat a banana and an apple in one day, that's already 26g. I don't want to not eat fruit, and I have been generally ignoring the sugars in fruit as past of my daily sugars. Just wondering if anyone has any strong opinions one way or the other as to whether they should be counted?

I hate all the contradictory rules about food. I try to follow the ones I think matter. I try to get enough protein and fiber without getting too much sugar. But I usually end up not being able to meet my calorie goal (as in I'm UNDER it) without getting too much sugar.

I'm not eating candy or putting sugar on anything. However, I like my Cinnamon Life and my Fiber One bars. With just one of those and my fruit, it puts me over. UGH!

I don't want to start eating plain bran flakes or anything. I know I would never keep that up. Considering how I used to eat, I'm being a saint right now, but how I eat now, I do believe I could keep up long term. I don't feel deprived of taste and I do feel much better physically. I don't get stomach-aches every other day anymore and I'm less tired and moody.


  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I'm in the same boat....

    I'm still going to have my fruit for a snack and not worry about it...

    I won't deprive myself of anything, but do eat smaller or more controlled portions.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Most MFPers will tell you not to worry about it. I kind of agree, as long as you're eating a moderate amount of fruit/dairy (both have natural sugars) and seriously limiting added sugars.

    I've done a ton of research and have settled on the goal of not exceeding 10% of my calories from sugar - this works out to 30g for 1200 calories, sometimes up to 40g on the days I exercise. I can stick to this only if I limit myself to one serving of fruit and a moderate amount of dairy, and little added sugars. This matches the USDA recommendation of 1 serving of fruit per day with a 1200 calorie diet. Personally, I'm trying to cut out pretty much ALL added sugar - I'm avoiding processed foods like the Fiber One bars and cereal. Eggs fill me up and make me feel better in the mornings anyways (versus eating a carb-centered breakfast)!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    No, I don't keep up with my sugar anymore. I went to my settings & took it off of my diary. I was also tired of going over from simply eating fruit. I can't answer whether this is good to do or not, but me personally, I do not count sugar grams unless I'm actually eating sweets.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Try apples, grapefruits and berries as they tend to offer a better fiber and vitamin to sugar ratio than bananas and oranges.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with 3 fruits a day as long as you're not completely sedentary.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't worry about being over if I have only consumed fruit . . . now in saying that remember that moderation in everything is wise so I do keep that number in check and am careful about my portions and consumption each day.
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    first off let me say that sugar in itself is not your enemy. it all depends on the type of carbs you are eating. fruits are simple sugars and tend to burn fast. second since i am a type one diabetic let me say this. an apple about the size of a fist is 15 grams of carbs. if you can grab a bananna and put both hands around it..thats two carbs not one...your palm of your hand is a great way to count carbs. so a medium bananna would be roughly 30grams of carbs and a small apple would be about 15grams of carbs totaling 45grams not 30. Me personally if its healthy than dont stress over it. enjoy a bananna, enjoy an apple. Now white breads, rice all take a longer time to break down into glucose and those care more complex carbs. Everyones metabolism is different, with that said i dont think eating 30grams of carbs a day and thats it is good. yes you will be in ketosis and yes you will lose weight fast, but is it sustainable. I have a carb addiction so i dont like eating carbs. when i eat certain carbs i tend to crave more especially at night. so to minimize this i go to bed early 9ish and I do not watch tv. Again, if its 8pm and you want a snack a bananna or apple is will burn in a few hours since its a simple carb. I cant tell you how many people especially when i speak to people who work at gyms get simple and complex carbs mixed up. If i was you i would be more concerned on minimize your carb intake, but not be too concerned on keeping within 30grams of carbs. a piece of bread on average is 15 to 20g of carbs. imagine living on 2 pieces of bread a day..its not sustainable. hope this helps
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I do eat an apple 5 days a week. I generally eat a banana only once a week, but I don't want to only be eating one type of fruit and bananas have the potassium that I don't really get enough of anywhere else. And grapes have alot of sugar.

    Like I said, I am trying to formulate a plan I can stick to long-term, not just while I'm trying to lose weight, so I am not going to eliminate cereal or all processed foods. I'd go insane after about 4 days. I also really don't like eggs. They just make me want to yak. I can eat them about once a month and someone else has to make them.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    When I get my fruit and dairy for the day, I always go over on sugar. When I realized that, I took the sugar off my food journal. I don't eat bad sugars but some healthy foods have sugar in them.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't track sugar, since I don't eat bad sugar. You can google low glycemic fruits. As mentioned above, apples strawberries, etc. i haven't had an issue with weight loss and I eat 2-3 fruit servings a day.