jillian michaels body revolution !!!!

Anyone doing jillian michaels body revolution add add add me! I just started week 5 today and I would love more encouragement on this program and see others going through with it as well! I LOVEEEE this one. It is the first of any of her dvds I have tried. next I might try 30 day shred after this.


  • zinnia1971
    zinnia1971 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't have body revolution but I do have 30 day shred. I like it a lot. It's the basics but I looked really toned last time I stuck with it!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    I'm on week two of Body Revolution right now - I've done a ton of her DVDs in the past and love her. I've tried the 30DS, Ripped in 30, Killer Buns, and a few more whose names don't want to come to me at the moment... I'm blogging about my workouts and other random things every day if you want to add me :)

    my blog is here - losing-weight-living-life.blogspot.com if you want to check it out (or just laugh at how much Jillian has been kicking my butt... lol)

  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    I'm doing week 1 ripped in 30. Finding pretty easy at the moment, but I am sure that will change :-)
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    awesome! :) I think Jillian is a little bit insane, but I still love her! haha
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    I'm working up my courage to start Body Revolution this weekend. I'm totally scared :embarassed: so I could use a little extra motivation and support. If you like, add me :-)
  • Terrin41
    Terrin41 Posts: 24 Member
    I just started today. If you have been using or have used Jillian's 30 day shred or ripped in 30, then disc 1 will feel like a breeze. However, I put in the last disc and I can't imagine myself being able to do half of it, but maybe I will by then?? Good luck and get started. I really enjoyed disc 1.
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Friend request sent - its not so bad once you get started! but DEFINITELY stretch before and after work outs or you will be SO SORE the next day!!
  • suzyw7
    suzyw7 Posts: 11 Member
    I've started Body Revolution today. I've been doing Jillian's dvd's for over two years now so I found the workout quite easy, so I did the higher impact of a lot of the moves. I'm looking to lose my last 10-14 pounds and hopefully drop a dress size or two!!

    What kind of results are people seeing so far?
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    I'm only on week two so I haven't seen anything results wise yet except lost weight (I only measure once a month). I'll measure in two weeks and report back. I've been starting to add weights and do the more advanced moves too, though I wouldn't call Jillians dvds easy lol!! They always have me sweating and sore after. But in comparison to any of the beachbody dvds, I guess they are easier. Chalean extreme just wipes the floor with me. lol
  • boobear7
    boobear7 Posts: 18 Member
    I have done the whole program once before in 2013 and had good results, I decided Monday to do it again, so I am on Phase 1 Day 5 today. I forgot how much I liked this program. The first 2 weeks are my favorite work outs of Jillian Micheals. Nice to see others doing this program. I don't know to many people who have ever done it.
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    I know! I find it so surprising how few people have actually done this program! Tomorrow is my last day in week two and ill be starting up week three monday! Can't wait to start the new workouts (3 & 4).
  • This week I finished Body Revolution Phase 1 and I want to share my experience to provide information for the ones who are thinking of doing this program.
    I am 41 years old, 1,59m ( 5ft 2inch) and when I started the program I weighed 58 kg (127,6lbs). According to my heart rate monitor, I burned an average of 200 calories each workout. The exercises are doable, varied and the whole workout passes fast., so you don't feel bored. I didn´t followed JM's diet, just tried to eat healthy, about 1400-1600 calories per day. No sacrifice at all.
    I've lost 2 kg (4,4lbs) and my body fat percentage has dropped from 29,4% to 28,2%. These numbers may seem disapointing, but I am very satisfied with this first month's results. I feel my body is more toned, strong and flexible and I also feel more energetic. Otherwise, I dropped a jeans size, this counts more to me than the numbers on the scale.
    I am very excited about the next phase. I really like and recommend this program.
  • demirandazzo
    demirandazzo Posts: 11 Member
    It is awesome to see others doing Jillian dvds! It really gives me motivation to finish. My results so far .....

    I start week 6 tomorrow and I am loving this program. After the second week I really could see my body shape forming more and more. Along with my own diet about 1200-1400ish call a day and only two cheat meals so far I have lost 11lbs. I don't remember how many inches so far but it's in my profile, but a decent amount within 6 weeks. This workout is changing my body shape. My calf muscles weren't defined and now I see definition. My thighs which are my most hated body part are actually slimming down along with my dreaded love handles. Every once in awhile I will throw in the elliptical or do a 30 day shred DVD but not too often. I owe it all to Jillian Michaels body revolution so far! I can't wait to see where I am after month 2 phase 2 is over!

    Good luck ladies!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    I've heard that people lose the most weight during phase two of the program. Anyone else have this experience?? Starting week 3 tomorrow. Congrats on the awesome progress to everyone so far! :)
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I just started week 5 this morning (the first week of Phase 2) and it is a definite step-up from Phase 1! My arms were so shaky at the end that I couldn't even lift my glass of water!

    So far I'm really enjoying the programme. I like the variety of the workouts rather than doing the same one for a week/ 10 days.

    I'm not too sure about results so far as I haven't weighed or measured myself in a couple of weeks (and I'm not actually trying to lose weight, just increase strength and definition) but for the first time in my life I am actually starting to see my abs peeking through! Thats good enough for me! :)

    I don't follow the diet and eat an average of around 2000 calories per day. I'm 5"2 and 105 lbs.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    JMBR is a fantastic workout and combined with running it really got me into better shape without having to join the gym.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I've heard that people lose the most weight during phase two of the program. Anyone else have this experience?? Starting week 3 tomorrow. Congrats on the awesome progress to everyone so far! :)

    Really? That could be right. I may be revisiting Phase 2!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    I just started week three today and am terrified to start workout four tomorrow LOL. I HURT. hahaha. That woman is CRAZY. But I made it through - that's all that counts right??
  • fashi0nkilla
    fashi0nkilla Posts: 82 Member
    I've been doing BR in the mornings and running in the afternoons. I started workout #5 today. I feel like I am losing inches and not weight. I need to get a hold of my diet.
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    even just loses inches is a victory in my book!