Looking for support & friends.

Hi Guys!

My name is Bianca & I am 19 from Wollongong Australia. I have been a big girl my whole life and I want to get fit and healthy, maybe even wear a bikini for the first time ever. I am having a little bit of trouble with motivation. A couple years ago I lost 10kgs/22lbs and I have managed to keep that weight off but I still need to lose another 15kgs/33lbs and it's not coming off as easy as last time and it is hard to keep going when I am not seeing any results at all, I know they don't happen overnight but I really just want them too.

I want friends that I can help support through there journey and in return help me stay on track. I am also not too bad for a conversation haha.

So shoot a request my way and be with me through my journey.



  • maeangel0009
    I got a free bottle of AminoHD1000 it helps a lot to loose weight!! see here http://goo.gl/CEh4NU
  • astroedgar
    Hello Blanca! I just joined this site to track EVERYTHING I eat, And I am in the same exact place as you are in :), Maybe we both can loose weight together, Anyways I am 22 years old and I have never ever in my life been so insecure about my weight. I hope to loose at least 25lbs over the next months. Loosing weight has been a challenge for me because I have exercised, and have begun to loose some weight... and then I regain it all back. I figured out it is all the sodas, and fat junk that I eat that is keeping me that way. But I have a tip, Try and eat more fruits and veggies as snacks over any fat junk food... and instead of the weight gaining, the fruit will help by not putting anymore fat but more energy! Some fruit can even help BURN fat instead of gaining it. I wish I could go to the beach with a fit muscular body and to have fun in the water. I decided to begin this journey and see if I make it :) you don't look too bad in your profile pic btw! You look good! :)
  • toronto88
    toronto88 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 26F from Canada and I just joined the site today. I've slowly lost 15 lbs or the past year or so but progress has stalled so i'm looking to get re-motivated. I have about 30 lbs more to lose and i'm hoping to spend the next month or two kickstarting that with -10. I enjoy healthy food and exercise...especially when i'm in the habit of exercising almost daily. But right now i've been working out about 2 times a week and i'm having a really hard time increasing that to 4 or 5 times. I like healthy food but I find myself eating at restaurants too much with friends as well as going for drinks and ice cream etc. Cracking down on my dietary indiscretions would probably be the difference between stalling and losing again. Good for you for keeping that 20lbs off Bianca!
    Lol i'm interested in becoming friends on the site but I don't know how to do it haha!
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi you guys,

    We are all new to this so how about we take this journey on together.

    I lost 10lbs before I joined and have another 22lbs to lose, use to be very active in my teens but as life progress and you are not a teen anymore I kind of left exercise/healthy lifestyle behind.

    I want to do more and I feel such a drive and urgency to do that this year not next year so here I go, will be rooting for all ou guys.

    Good luck to all of us.

    I sent you all a friend request, we can do this.