Introduceing Admiral Hall

Hi My name is Admiral Hall,
This is a nick name, I am not a real Admiral, in fact I have never been in the military.
I am a middle aged man That gained a few extra pounds after getting married twenty five years ago.
I am starting @ 257 pounds. This is a lot for my 6 foot frame. I never bought into weight watchers. I do not like dieting.
However my Doctor sent me to a nutritionist. She started me on MFP.
So far so good. I am thinking about what I put in my stomach and I have increased my exercise. It is only ten days in and I have lost 4 Pounds. My scale today said 7lbs, however, I do not trust it. The difference for me is that I like to cook and I like real food. I can monitor what I eat and eat less. I now think before I eat and I have upped the intake of water. I like the ease of use, especially the ease of searching for food. I hope I can stick with it.
Thanks and happy eating and exercising.
Admiral Hall