Breathing tchniques for jogging/running...



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I learned to control my breathing by breathing in/out with my strides too. I breathe in to 4 steps & breathe back out to 2. I found out later that's a common technique (except typically it's 3/2). I still use a version of that when I do speed intervals.
  • sunnyskies1780
    sunnyskies1780 Posts: 24 Member
    I have been thinking about getting into running to improve cardiovascular health, but worry about the breathing issue.

    To be honest, I don't understand how to apply some of these suggestions:

    1. Breathing through my nose is not going to do it. I'm just sitting right now, and have been for maybe an hour. I'm struggling breathing through my nose right now and have to open my mouth every 30-45 seconds to get enough air. If I'm walking or jogging or running, nose breathing won't cut it.

    2. Not going any faster than I can carry a conversation means I must walk forever. I will literally never be able to jog or run... I can see being able to work up to walking quickly for awhile, but not beyond that. How is it even possible that someone can carry on a conversation and still be able to breath while running?! So the answer is that I should not run. If I do the couch to 5k, then I will skip all the running portions and walk instead. BTW, I have no problem walking for hours... I just can't run for more than 1-2 minutes without having to stop and catch my breath.

    I wouldn't take any of the advice too literally except the go slow. There are days I only breathe through my mouth, days when I go in and out through my nose. Though I have developed a regular cadence, it doesn't work all the time, and what works for one person certainly doesn't work for another.

    If you can't run for more than a minute start with less. I think, when I started running 4 years ago my first week of the couch to 5K program was run for 30 seconds walk for 5 minutes. The point is do what works for you, if that is 15 seconds do that.

    And - if you don't want to run don't, but if running is something you want to do it will get easier, just start at a point that works for you, and every week stretch it just a bit.

    Good luck to you, I hope you find something that works.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I got advice years ago from Scott Jurek, multiple winner of the Western States 100. He says not to sustain a running pace that is more than what you can do breathing through your nose. Nose breathing makes you pull the breath deeper through your core - which means the diaphram is doing the work, rather than gasping which makes the lungs work harder - and tire quicker.

    If that means you have to walk, then run, then walk then run until you can keep a running/jogging pace, so be it. Listen to your body and build it up rather than tear it down.

    Keep it up. You'll get there.

    ^This. You might want to look up and practice Yoga Breathing techniques when you're not running too and are going about your daily actiivty. Agree with the other posters~ you should see a Pulmonologist, just in case, who will likely send you to a Registered Respiratory Therapist for treatment , if needed.
  • jnicole90
    jnicole90 Posts: 31 Member
    all solid advice.
    It helps me to do the 3/2 technique (breath in for 3 steps, out 2)
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure how true this is, but I was told to breathe in as long and hard as you can, like till your lungs hurt, then slowly exhale. It seems to help me out. Good luck.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    In through the nose, out through the mouth.

    My trail running coach suggested an uneven breathing pattern that has worked quite well for me. Instead of going in for three and out for three, breathe in for three and out for two (or in four and out three...whatever works for you). This will ensure that you aren't always exhaling while stepping on the same foot. He says that doing that can lead to labored breathing and even injuires to that side of the body! Who knew? Not me!

    It definitely took some time to get used to, but try it for a few runs and see if you like it. In the beginning I found that when I took off my headphones I focused more on the breathing/counting and it really helped. I know it sucks running without music, but once it becomes habit, you can turn the music back on.
  • abcgfed
    abcgfed Posts: 26
    Try to breath into your stomach - it should visibly expand and contract with your breath. That might feel weird initially but you'll get used to it. It may be that your breaths are too shallow, which leaves you gasping. Breathing more deeply will ensure you are getting the proper amount of air.
  • Mandrey072009
    Mandrey072009 Posts: 10 Member
    My friend that ran track in high school always told me to put my hands on my head and take in deep breaths to slow down my breathing.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I have been thinking about getting into running to improve cardiovascular health, but worry about the breathing issue.

    To be honest, I don't understand how to apply some of these suggestions:

    1. Breathing through my nose is not going to do it. I'm just sitting right now, and have been for maybe an hour. I'm struggling breathing through my nose right now and have to open my mouth every 30-45 seconds to get enough air. If I'm walking or jogging or running, nose breathing won't cut it.

    2. Not going any faster than I can carry a conversation means I must walk forever. I will literally never be able to jog or run... I can see being able to work up to walking quickly for awhile, but not beyond that. How is it even possible that someone can carry on a conversation and still be able to breath while running?! So the answer is that I should not run. If I do the couch to 5k, then I will skip all the running portions and walk instead. BTW, I have no problem walking for hours... I just can't run for more than 1-2 minutes without having to stop and catch my breath.

    1. Don't try to JUST breathe out of your nose. At first inhale from both but put emphasis on air coming in through your nose and out your mouth.

    Notice when you put emphasis on inhaling with your nose then your stomach pushes down and out further through your stomach. Now just breath in with your mouth and you feel your chest getting wider but not pushing down nearly as much. When you incorporate your nose with the inhale you are activating your diaphragm much more and getting a larger delivery of oxygen as your lungs fill up more. More oxygen delivered through the lungs translates in a higher threshold before your body goes into oxygen debt while it is working.

    2. All in good time my friend, have patience. You are basically forcing your body to adapt to new conditions and it takes considerable diligence for this to happen. When I started I couldn't jog a block without stopping. When I finally was able to run a mile then 3 my pace was around 13 minutes. Fast forward 2 years later and I am running full marathons and my pace for shorter distances is around 7 min miles.

    Your body WILL adapt but it is going to take time and CONSISTENCY. Stick with it and don't overlook the small accomplishments along the way that you are making.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Not sure how true this is, but I was told to breathe in as long and hard as you can, like till your lungs hurt, then slowly exhale. It seems to help me out. Good luck.

    Don't do this while you are running. Yoga or some other thing then sure. Just don't when you are running.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure how true this is, but I was told to breathe in as long and hard as you can, like till your lungs hurt, then slowly exhale. It seems to help me out. Good luck.

    Don't do this while you are running. Yoga or some other thing then sure. Just don't when you are running.

    YKS.. Why? I've been doing this for a few months now. Should i stop? Is it causing damage?
  • katykat79
    katykat79 Posts: 24 Member
    You want to breathe into your stomach, not your chest. Get the feel for it by laying flat on your stomach. Take a deep're should feel your stomach pushing against the floor. If not, think about it and try again. Your shoulders should NOT raise when you take a breath in. I am a mouth breather and it works for me....I mean, it is a bigger hole :)....what I found essential is breathing into your diaphragm instead of shallow breaths into your chest. Good luck!
  • sesquive
    sesquive Posts: 26 Member
    I saw that someone wrote to slow down, and it's true. Even if you think it can't be possible, just try it for a little bit. Otherwise, you would get discouraged. Also, what helped me with my breathing; singing out loud (you don't have yell, but singing along softly to a song). I don't know why or how, but it works with me. If can't sing, then I know I should slow down.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Sounds crazy, but what works for me is breathing to the beat of my music on my iPod. It helps me to keep a steady rhythm and, depending on the music, can help me alternate my breathing and my pace.
  • EastFork
    EastFork Posts: 25 Member
    This book is amazingly helpful: Runner's World Running on Air: The Revolutionary Way to Run Better by Breathing Smarter.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Not sure how true this is, but I was told to breathe in as long and hard as you can, like till your lungs hurt, then slowly exhale. It seems to help me out. Good luck.

    Don't do this while you are running. Yoga or some other thing then sure. Just don't when you are running.

    YKS.. Why? I've been doing this for a few months now. Should i stop? Is it causing damage?

    I don't think it would do any damage but I imagine that could really slow you down. When you exhale you are getting rid of the carbon dioxide. Not sure why you would want to do that slowly as that will just delay time to get more oxygen in to feed your muscles from the inhale exchange.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure how true this is, but I was told to breathe in as long and hard as you can, like till your lungs hurt, then slowly exhale. It seems to help me out. Good luck.

    Don't do this while you are running. Yoga or some other thing then sure. Just don't when you are running.

    YKS.. Why? I've been doing this for a few months now. Should i stop? Is it causing damage?

    I don't think it would do any damage but I imagine that could really slow you down. When you exhale you are getting rid of the carbon dioxide. Not sure why you would want to do that slowly as that will just delay time to get more oxygen in to feed your muscles from the inhale exchange.

    ElliottTN: thank you - so what i should be doing in exhaling quickly correct? I will do that on my run tomorrow
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    ElliottTN: thank you - so what i should be doing in exhaling quickly correct? I will do that on my run tomorrow

    I think you are over analyzing this. You don't need to do it quickly either, just comfortably and not intentionally slow. Just Good quality diaphragm driven breaths.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have been thinking about getting into running to improve cardiovascular health, but worry about the breathing issue.

    To be honest, I don't understand how to apply some of these suggestions:

    1. Breathing through my nose is not going to do it. I'm just sitting right now, and have been for maybe an hour. I'm struggling breathing through my nose right now and have to open my mouth every 30-45 seconds to get enough air. If I'm walking or jogging or running, nose breathing won't cut it.

    2. Not going any faster than I can carry a conversation means I must walk forever. I will literally never be able to jog or run... I can see being able to work up to walking quickly for awhile, but not beyond that. How is it even possible that someone can carry on a conversation and still be able to breath while running?! So the answer is that I should not run. If I do the couch to 5k, then I will skip all the running portions and walk instead. BTW, I have no problem walking for hours... I just can't run for more than 1-2 minutes without having to stop and catch my breath.
    Franky, I don't even think about my breathing until I am pushing my pace really hard and it becomes difficult. I read somewhere that it really doesn't matter if you breath through your nose or mouth while you're running. It's all in what's comfortable for you.

    When I started C25K I created myself a Week 0 because I felt like I couldn't run as long as proscribed. Instead, I ran for 15 seconds and walked for 2 minutes until I got to the point where I could handle running for 30 seconds straight without feeling like I was going to die. I used to be certain I had exercise-induced asthma when I was younger because I couldn't handle running long distances without having breathing issues but I could do gymnastics and karate and was incredibly fit. I'm still not positive I don't suffer from it because running for more than about 10 minutes at a stretch is very difficult for me. About week 4 of C25K (week 5 for me!) I switched to run/walk intervals permanently (Google Jeff Galloway) on the advice of my sister (a marathon run/walker). I've done a bunch of half marathons and shorter races using this method because it works for me. I'm actually faster doing a 5K in intervals than trying to run slowly so I can run the whole race.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Of all the things you need to control when running, breathing is the easiest because your body does it on its own. Just let it go. You're overcomplicating it.