"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 5



  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Does anyone have anything Exciting coming up in week 6? Something they are celebrating? Any kinda good news out there?? I wanna start incorporating that in to the new week forum.. so please share... Birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, kids bdays? anything..

    We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on 11/28. Woo! :-)

    This week my weigh in stats (from Sun) were 185.8. So pretty much have gained it all back. Ugh. Well now I know how I'm going to react to Christmas, and I'll be better prepared to set myself up to succeed! Yay for lessons learned, if not weight lost.

    This next week my new recipes are going to be a new baked fish recipe, light chicken kiev recipe, and I'll have to think of a third one.

    I never started the 30 day shred either, so that will be my new exercise. Now if I can only do it!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I think we need a giant group hug.


    Congrats on the losses, Kattungen and Jsecret! You guys are doing a fantastic job, and at a great pace to boot!

    Violet, I hear 'ya on learning how Thanksgiving hits our bodies! I was shocked when the next day after the feast I was down a pound and a half. And then BOOM! Instant gain of 4+ pounds. It was mind boggling. And just like you said - now we'll know mentally how to tackle Christmas eats! And happy 2nd Anniversary! Looks like a lot of us got hitched in 2008!

    Kolton is such a cute name! And the party sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun. Birthday cake is the best.

    I've actually got my birthday coming up on Dec. 9th. :embarassed:

    My weigh-in day has arrived, and I'm up 0.6 to 176.2. There are a couple factors at play here - I'm expecting TOM in the next couple days, I'm coming down off of the Thanksgiving high (we STILL have leftovers and my chocolate ribbon pie keeps getting the best of me), and I've been sick with a nasty cold since the evening after turkey day. But, I'm still below my 20 for the year mark, so I'm content. :)
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I was extremely surprised that I plateaued before Thanksgiving and ate quite a bit (nothing really bad just alot of food) and granted I was out most the night shopping and on my feet most of the 4 day weekend but the few days of high cal seemed to kickstart my metabolism again and my weight began just falling off all over again... I'll have to remember that the next time I plateau!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Kolton is such a cute name! And the party sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun. Birthday cake is the best.

    I've actually got my birthday coming up on Dec. 9th. :embarassed:

    Thank you! I picked it out myself :) It's actually Kolton Benjamin and I've loved that name instantly! I'm very excited about his party, I hand made all the decorations and have worked very hard on the house and spent all night black friday shopping for great presents. Anything for my lil' guy!

    Happy be-earlied birthday in case I forget!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I finally talked to hubby about how Ive been feeling. Blah.. Pressure in my lower belly has continued.. which sucks. But if it means im pregnant it will be worth it.. I told him there is a possibility and he said YAY!! So thats a good sign.. He said, since were officially unofficially trying.. haha..
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear Walt is happy with what may be! When do you think you'll take a test?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Glad to hear Walt is happy with what may be! When do you think you'll take a test?

    im not due to start for a nother week. I have a little bit of TOM symptoms.. but my lower abdomen pressure.. is something i never get.. so im kinda wondering.. I hope i am.. i dont wanna take a test and be disappointed.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Completely understand. Just gotta remember that no matter what when the time is right it will happen. :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ AprilVal - Awwwww~! A BABY! That would be awesome! Keep us posted, sweetie! *huggles*
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    April, I completely understand. I think I should buy stock in tests as much as I have bought over the past few years. It's a ridiculous amount, we'll leave it at that. We too have been 'not trying' but for 2yrs?!?! It's driving me crazy b/c I don't have the insurance to head to the doc's office (not until sometime next year) so I can't go and find out if I have a problem or if Nick does. When I was 19, my doc bluntly said I was 'too fat to have kids' and that IS an exact quote! I couldn't believe how rude the guy was. I understand that sometimes women that are heavier can have more difficulties, but he didn't even try to say it that way! I was furious! But once I got home and really thought about it, I was heartbroken because I figured I'd never lose the weight. And now that I have, I'm getting really ansy about it every time it's TOM.. but then I start thinking about it (all the time too.. I wish I could stop my brain from thinking about it so much!) and then nothing. And my hubby wants to have kids (3 to be exact, Bubba, Bubbette, and Jr.. :laugh: which isn't gonna happen) and seeing his face everytime TOM shows up is like I'm diappointing him. I hate that feeling. We've agreed that if no babies by next Nov, we are both getting tested to see what's going on. Hopefully we don't have to do that though. And the worst is friends that have kids (especially right after high school when I got my news) and I was very happy for them, but heartbroken. And now, my friends that just got married in Oct are thinking they're preggers. When I was told, I literally busted into tears and my hubby's look was so disappointing. I really hope I can give the same great news to him, our family and all of you one of these days, but no promises. We have thought about others ways to get pregnant or even adopt, but it would just be nice to get pregnant like the rest of my family and friends. Wow, that is so much longer than I thought! I never meant to ramble so much!! Sorry to 'steal' the show there for a sec :indifferent:

    April, I really do hope you get the wonderful news you and the hubs are hoping for! And you better not 'forget' to tell us whenever you are, lol!

    Enough from me, I'm headed out to finish some last minute Christmas shopping at Kohls..I got a free $20 gift card in the mail from them, woot woot!!

    Later loves! Bru
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    April, I completely understand. I think I should buy stock in tests as much as I have bought over the past few years. It's a ridiculous amount, we'll leave it at that. We too have been 'not trying' but for 2yrs?!?! It's driving me crazy b/c I don't have the insurance to head to the doc's office (not until sometime next year) so I can't go and find out if I have a problem or if Nick does. When I was 19, my doc bluntly said I was 'too fat to have kids' and that IS an exact quote! I couldn't believe how rude the guy was. I understand that sometimes women that are heavier can have more difficulties, but he didn't even try to say it that way! I was furious! But once I got home and really thought about it, I was heartbroken because I figured I'd never lose the weight. And now that I have, I'm getting really ansy about it every time it's TOM.. but then I start thinking about it (all the time too.. I wish I could stop my brain from thinking about it so much!) and then nothing. And my hubby wants to have kids (3 to be exact, Bubba, Bubbette, and Jr.. :laugh: which isn't gonna happen) and seeing his face everytime TOM shows up is like I'm diappointing him. I hate that feeling. We've agreed that if no babies by next Nov, we are both getting tested to see what's going on. Hopefully we don't have to do that though. And the worst is friends that have kids (especially right after high school when I got my news) and I was very happy for them, but heartbroken. And now, my friends that just got married in Oct are thinking they're preggers. When I was told, I literally busted into tears and my hubby's look was so disappointing. I really hope I can give the same great news to him, our family and all of you one of these days, but no promises. We have thought about others ways to get pregnant or even adopt, but it would just be nice to get pregnant like the rest of my family and friends. Wow, that is so much longer than I thought! I never meant to ramble so much!! Sorry to 'steal' the show there for a sec :indifferent:

    April, I really do hope you get the wonderful news you and the hubs are hoping for! And you better not 'forget' to tell us whenever you are, lol!

    Enough from me, I'm headed out to finish some last minute Christmas shopping at Kohls..I got a free $20 gift card in the mail from them, woot woot!!

    Later loves! Bru

    I'm in the same boat. I tried for a few years to have a baby with no luck then got pregnant with my son who is turning 2 next month. My husband and I have no used any contraceptives since he has been born in hope of a second child and so far no luck. We have decided though that if I get near my weight goal (approx 160 - 20 lbs from now) and I'm still not pregnant then we will just accept having only one child. :) But it still sucks everytime TOM comes and I totally hear you on that look of diappoint from the hubby as well as me feeling disappointed in myself. We don't know what wrong either :(
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am always looking at new recipes, so this week's challenge speaks to me! I'm excited to start it.

    I just started adding arm and leg exercises into my routine, so finding new ones should be easy enough. I look forward to looking through the posts and seeing what everyone has. Right now I am loving my resistance bands!

    I've been losing the last few weeks. I was stuck at 2lbs up for a few days after Thanksgiving, then one morning I think the bloat and stuff from the holiday finally left me and I was down into the 230s! WHOOPIE!! :smile:

    SW: 245
    CW: 239 (11/30)
    GW for the challenge: 233

    6 to go, and 23 days to do it in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can make it. This group has been an awesome resource, thank you ladies so much!

    Edit after reading other posts: I am loving all the exicting events going on! April - The two week wait is the WORST time EVER. I hate it. You end up over analyzing every little thing that your body does and it's enough to drive a gal nuts! Good luck with it (just a few days left!) and I really hope that you get the result you are hoping for when you do test.

    As for a milestone or exciting thing in my life...we just had my youngests' first Thanksgiving and I am so looking forward to her first Christmas! And the reaction my oldest is having to Christmas lights is so exciting, she just loves it all so much and she's seeing it all for the first time (well, getting it for the first time I should say) and it just brings the magic of Christmas back. I also was able to be present while my BFF took a pregnancy test and found out she was expecting so that was really exciting. Other than that, just the normal goings on of life with my kids and husband! :smile:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im so Effin confused with my body.. :( I dont know if im pregnant or not... I have what might be spotting or TOM.. My body doesnt feel like it normally does TOM.. Ugh.. I sooooooo want to be pregnant.. My husband sounded soooo happy when I told him I might be.. I was soo disappointedd when I woke up this morning and saw light pink.. :( Im hoping its just spotting.. I just need to get a test and check it out i guess..

    EDITED: Im hoping my slight bleeding is implantation bleeding.. everything measures up to that.. if you know what i mean.. i hope.. i hope.. i hope..
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Im so Effin confused with my body.. :( I dont know if im pregnant or not... I have what might be spotting or TOM.. My body doesnt feel like it normally does TOM.. Ugh.. I sooooooo want to be pregnant.. My husband sounded soooo happy when I told him I might be.. I was soo disappointedd when I woke up this morning and saw light pink.. :( Im hoping its just spotting.. I just need to get a test and check it out i guess..

    EDITED: Im hoping my slight bleeding is implantation bleeding.. everything measures up to that.. if you know what i mean.. i hope.. i hope.. i hope..

    Very good chance of that!!! I know I had it w/ my son!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April-ooohh I hope the stork is on his way! I hope you take a test, I'm anxious for you! Lol

    Bru-I hope you find yourself with a bun in the oven soon. And I also hope there isn't a medical problem with you or Nick. But adoption would be wonderful too!

    On a much less serious note I think I'm changing my weigh-in day to Thursday! I'm 175.2 today. Taking that. Lol
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I did my first Zumba tonight. It was SO FUN!! I mean, I felt like an idiot, and was thankful every minute the windows are opaque and it is an all womens gym, lol!! Maybe when I fet more fit and coordinated I'll feel as sexy as our instructor looked, but tonight, I was just goofy!! Thank goodness I was in the back so I couldn't see myself in the mirror! My hips just don't move that way!!

    April and Bru, (April only if TOM shows up, actually) I would recommend the book "What to Expect before you're expecting". The hubby and I are going to TTC starting in June or July next year, and I'm a planner, so I've been doing my homework, lol. It has some great tips about what to eat or not, what to drink or not, supplements to take or not to take, etc etc. It also explains the physiology about how freaking hard it actually is to get pregnant, and signs and symptoms you may have when you're ovulating and stuff like that. I don't know how much homework you guys have done since you're both only "unofficially" trying (yeah right :wink: ) It has given me some good advice, and tells you what is "normal" since all we hear about are people that just happen to get pregnant, not about the people who have been trying forever, because those people don't talk about it!!

    It also might be good for your hubbies to read, since it is half their "fault" (though I hate that word) too. Believe it or not, they should change their diet, and habits as well. Their little guys need to be strong!!

    Luck to you both!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Prepping week 6, if we have any kind of news.. or anything you'd like me to add.. please get with me.. any ideas for anything please get with me..
  • kattungen
    I was at a regular check up at my GP's office yesterday. My BP is down from 120/80 (13 months ago) to 100/60. I think that's a little bit low, but my GP wasn't too concerned, so I'll just be going for regular check ups until we find out if it's an ongoing trend or just a one-time thing. My pulse (resting) is around 60, which I think is absolutely awesome :)
  • kattungen
    Oh yes, also, it's weigh-in time.

    SW (30.10) - 190 lbs
    W2 (05.11) - 188.5 lbs - 1.5 lbs loss
    W3 (12.11) - 185.6 lbs - 2.9 lbs loss
    W4 (19.11) - 185.6 lbs - 0 lbs loss
    W5 (26.11) - 184.0 lbs - 1.6 lbs loss
    CW (03.12) - 187.8 lbs - 3.8 lbs GAIN :(

    A Total Loss of: 2.2 lbs

    I am guessing that I've gained because it's my TOM, but it still sucks.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My wii broke and as I still can't leave the house this mean I can't weigh in.

    Still poorly sick and still dont know what is wrong, the b/f is in hospital having his hip bone graffted onto his leg and there is 3 feet of snow outside, its not great dieting weather.

    So I am still