Adrenal Insufficency just diagnosed

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, So, I know now that I am NOT crazy for being exhausted and cranky, and having bad migraines all day every day..But I am at a loss for words. Anyone heard of Adrenal Insuffiency? It's a life threatning illness, horrible that drains all of your energy. I was just diagnosed on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and started on meds. Haven't seen tooo much of a difference yet. I have GAINED 8 pounds back in one month, and Dr started me on steroid meds....which means I will gain more weight!!! any suggestions out there?


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, So, I know now that I am NOT crazy for being exhausted and cranky, and having bad migraines all day every day..But I am at a loss for words. Anyone heard of Adrenal Insuffiency? It's a life threatning illness, horrible that drains all of your energy. I was just diagnosed on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and started on meds. Haven't seen tooo much of a difference yet. I have GAINED 8 pounds back in one month, and Dr started me on steroid meds....which means I will gain more weight!!! any suggestions out there?

    Have you met with an endocrinologist? Also, maybe get a referral for a nutritionist that can help with metabolic conditions....also, it takes months to regulate hormones with patient and proactive