Sweet Coffee with milk.

I love it. I can't start the day without the taste of it :( Keeps me awake and also i feel like less cravings.

Is it really bad having 2 instant coffies with milk and 2 sugars a day? (I hate the taste of sweetener!:(


  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    Everyone is different so if you want to start day with sweet coffee then go ahead. just work those calories into your day.
    and then sit back and enjoy the aroma, the taste and the ahhhhhh feeling lol.. [from another milky coffee lover]
  • solsi6
    solsi6 Posts: 14
    Milk has lots of nice nutrients and coffee is great for giving a boos to metabolism. Some also say caffeine makes you perform better in exercise. So milk coffee is great.
    Sugar is not that great, tough. But that little sugar is not going to be devastating to your diet so go ahead.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I have a latte with a sugar in it every day. Log it. Stay under your cals and you'll be fine.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    If that's how you enjoy it make it fit into your day. But instant coffee? yuck
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Nothing wrong with it at all. Just make it fit your calories for the day.
  • McMandy17
    McMandy17 Posts: 31 Member
    That's the one thing I refuse to give up! I've tried sugar free and no thank you!
  • khalidinter87
    i kinda start the day and end it the same way ,nothing like a latte . fortunately i like my sweetner and reduced my mug size to only 200ml . but as long as you make it fit in the daily calories no worries right !
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    Oh amazing!! Yes, I have log that in! :)

    I was afraid to hear something ''noo is bad ''-too much sugar-to much milk;p

    I will try to reduce it to maybe 1 can up and 1 sugar but it will be slow process:)
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    That's the one thing I refuse to give up! I've tried sugar free and no thank you!

    same!! I cant stand the taste of sugar free coffee blurghhh