Motivation/Inspiration Needed! Please help!!!

Lost: All motivation and drive... please help me find it!

I was doing so well and now I've gained back most of the weight I lost (I'm back in the 200's and not happy about it). I used to get up and work out every morning but now the drive has just disappeared. I'm trying to get my head on straight and refocus but every time I try it lasts for a day or two and I'm back in my old annoying habits with another 5lbs added to my butt.

How do you make new habits, how do you stay motivated? Help please, any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Never say "diet" to yourself or others! That is the kiss of death!
    Try to eat "healthy" 80% of the time but keep your favorite foods in your plan.
    Never tell yourself you can't eat a particular thing-if you want it-eat a portion that's within your calorie goal.
    Eat enough everyday!!!!! Don't go hungry-NOT necessary!
    It's not about deprivation!
    Live your life-go out to bars and restaurants, just follow your deficit and move your body as much as possible!
    I did it like this, 188 down to 125! It works! Don't make yourself suffer and you will never lose motivation because you won't need it to begin with!
    You CAN do it! Just don't try to lose too much per week-you'll be setting yourself up for hunger, binges ect!
    Everybody binges or eats too much sometimes-pick yourself up immediately after and continue on your merry way without guilt.
    You WILL do this!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Don't give up..........YOU really need to push YOURSELF

    Why don't you make a collage of pictures of yourself when you was smaller, fitness pictures, abs, fruit, healthy foods you like, protein shakes, happy things, places that make you happy, weights, fitness clothing etc!

    An inspirational collage I would say.......... And whenever you cant be bothered, or feeling low - Look at this

    It should make you want to lose that lb this week, or run faster, or do a workout, or a walk etc

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Start logging on here, clean up your diet, drink lots of water & get your workouts in : )
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Personally - I have 'tools' in place to help me stay on track. For me setting goals is important, announcing them (to whoever will listen) helps me stay accountable. Such as if I'm being a lazy bum my kids are likely to call me on it!

    But for tools... Smart phones/apps are great. I use Pact app which is available (I think) for Android & iPhone in the US. You commit to a certain # of healthy activities each week. You pay if you don't meet your commitment, and when you do meet your commitment: you share the $ paid by others. I've made about $100 since Feb. I have high goals and get $4-5 each week.


    Commit to 1-7 days working out. I have a Fitbit and getting 10,000 steps a day (syncs w/ the app) counts as a day worked out. Or using MapMyWalk or similar app that tracks you by GPS, a 30 minute walk/run/etc. that covers at least 1 mile counts as a workout.

    Commit to 1-7 days logging food. SYncs w/ MFP. Must log at least 1200 calories over 3 meals for it to count. (2 meals + snacks seems to credit as well.) So logging one meal won't cut it.

    Commit to 1-35 fruits/veggies per week. Upload a pic of your f/v showing its being consumed or prepared to be consumed and others vote yes or no.

    This works for me because I do NOT want to pay. I commit to 6 workouts, 7 logging, 30 f/v each week. And that helps me get over the temptation to just blow the day off.
  • captaindle
    captaindle Posts: 30 Member
    What also helps me to stay motivated is small goals. That way the thing doesn't seem SO monumental. Every time I pass a 5 or a 0 on the scale I get very excited! Every time I'm down an inch on my waist or hips, I'm thrilled. As others have said, I also put together a list of things that motivate me so I can go to that every time I feel like skipping a work out or just eating that croissant. In my motivation folder is music, photographs of a thin me, clothes I want to buy when I get to my goal weight, things I want to do (like ziplining), trips I want to take (to Europe with my man). Your motivation folder can contain anything that gets you up and going. Also, say your reasons for wanting to lose weight out load to yourself every day. Science shows that works much better than just reading them.

    One last thing. I hear what you're saying when you say you've lost the drive. We've all been there. But do it even when you don't want to do it. You can feel like hell the whole time you're doing it. All that matters is that you do it. Wanting to at that particular moment is really irrelevant. That's how you get this done. That's how you make a habit. You do it when you don't want to do it. Best of luck to you and keep coming back here if you need the encouragement to get up and get out there. You can do this!!!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Think about these questions.

    How will becoming health and fit change your life? What will it allow you to do that you cannot do now? How will this affect who you are? How will this affect those around you? What will this allow you to become?

    Having a strong Why will help you overcome the daily obstacles that get us down. Also having a strong support system is critical. Somewhere you can go to seek advice, encouragement, and accountability. I help to run support groups through Facebook. We have lots of people in there that are improving themselves and helping everyone else to stay accountable. We teach about proper nutrition and how to exercise. I'd be happy to chat with you about it if that is something that you're looking for.
