Why Guys Lose Weight Faster -- By SELF


  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I really take exception to that article. Their is NOTHING fast or easy about what I do. The level of determination and willpower required even boggles my mind sometimes that I'm even able to keep it up. I have my own little series of issues whether mental or physical to contend with and any women that I know that are trying to lose weight are no more handicapped than I am. Hogwash.
  • "A guy will grab his gut, announce that it's got to go, and—presto!—a month later he's a slim Jim."

    Really? The author of this article is living in a dream world.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Ha ha, this article sounds a lot like my husband.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    When my husband and I do exactly the same things he always loses weight at a faster rate than I do. Men are typically more muscular than woman, and it is your muscle mass that determins how efficiently your "furnace" burns, so how your metabolism runs.
    Because my husband is much more muscular than I am he loses weight at a better rate than I do, it is pure mathmatical science. This is why adding weight training is so important for woman. It does not "bulk" you up, but helps your body to run as efficiently as possible.
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    Men do tend to lose weight much faster, but not for any of the "reasons" in that article. Firstly, the sexes have different body composition to begin with, second men's bodies are more inclined to gain muscle (which burns fat and increases metabolism), and third, women's bodies are less inclined to part with fat. That's just science. It's not about men being more motivated or competitive, it's about the equipment they're working with.
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    thanks for sharing and i totally agree, I belieev that is why the lbs have been melting off!
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Article sounds like my husband, "I feel fat" does sit ups and push ups for an hour the next day his 6 pack is back. :explode:

    He also dropped 40 pounds without trying meanwhile I am a slave to the running. :)

    I like the tips though, maybe I will try them.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    Saying it's easier is a gross over statement. It's just as difficult for me to do elliptical for 45 minutes, or spin, or P90X or lift weights. The difference is that I'll burn 500 calories quicker because my muscle mass is higher and I weigh more than a woman. Two women would be different too. A woman who weighs 130 would burn less than a woman who weighs 160. That doesn't mean it's easier. It just means their caloric needs and burn rates are different. Two men would be the same way. I could burn 500 calories without blinking a year ago because I was bigger and had a higher daily caloric need to maintain. Now it's less because I am less. So saying it's easier is ridiculous. It takes the same amount of effort. At the end of the day 500 calories is 500 calories no matter how it's burned.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    Men do tend to lose weight much faster, but not for any of the "reasons" in that article. Firstly, the sexes have different body composition to begin with, second men's bodies are more inclined to gain muscle (which burns fat and increases metabolism), and third, women's bodies are less inclined to part with fat. That's just science. It's not about men being more motivated or competitive, it's about the equipment they're working with.

    I wish I could have a 'like' button. Well put trinityj1.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Men do tend to lose weight much faster, but not for any of the "reasons" in that article. Firstly, the sexes have different body composition to begin with, second men's bodies are more inclined to gain muscle (which burns fat and increases metabolism), and third, women's bodies are less inclined to part with fat. That's just science. It's not about men being more motivated or competitive, it's about the equipment they're working with.

    I wish I could have a 'like' button. Well put trinityj1.

    i would like to 'like' this too
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