Getting back on track

Hi everyone,

My name is Shelley and I'm from Tampa, Fl. I lost 100 lbs about 4 years ago and I have put about 30 back on slowly over the last 2.5 years. I'm 31 and getting ready to marry the man of my dreams next March so, I am looking to drop as much as possible before the wedding. Any tips or advice that anyone has would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)


  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Hi and welcome! You can do this! Add me as a friend if you like. I'll to encourage you along your way. I've lost 31 lbs since April and never believed this was possible!
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    Congrats Shelley! I know when I got married I did a higher protein diet with healthy carbs, fruits and veggies. Your goal is totally reachable by spring. Start walking and eating better and you will have this!
  • MrsAyanaj
    Congrats on everything!! Your about to enter a world of superwoman extra! My advice is simple but helps me: in everything that you do find perspective. Life is a gift.
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Simply put...
    Firstly, Congratulations!
    Secondly, You can do this!
    Feel free to friend me as well.
  • futuremrsdodd
    Thank you ladies :). I started to get myself back on track last Friday and have not done the first weigh in yet (I like to do once a week so I don't get down about the day to day weight changes we have as women). I feel better since I have been keeping the food and excersize journal on here and my 6 year old daughter keeps me swimming daily and I walk 45 minutes at work. I would love to be able to take my dress for alterations in January and need to have it sized down a lot. I'm currently a size 10 but was down to a 6 (sometimes a 4 depending on the material and designer). I'm looking to get as close to that again as I can. My main hurdle is the fact that I only have the 30 to lose and my metabolism has seemed to stall out since I hit 30 (ugh). I went to my Dr. last time who helped me with a specialized diet (no pills or shots) and it worked well but as soon as I stepped out of it a little the weight found it's way back so, I have been fighting to stay high protien and low carb to get back on that diet plan.