I belong to a weight loss group. None of us have been doing well. This past week a light-bulb went off for me and I became really focused. I sent notes and cards to members of my small group, in addition to posting everyday on Facebook. I thought I would see losses from everyone last night but that wasn't the case, in fact only two of us lost. I know it's not my responsibility for others actions, but I feel a real sadness this morning. I know you can be the best cheerleader or team captain and you team can still go down to defeat, but ... how would you finish that sentence.

So should I continue my effort? It helps me to stay motivated if I can see others catch fire.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Yes, continue your effort. But perhaps look also for non-scale victories. Even when we do everything right, we will not see a loss on the scale each & every week.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I would finish the sentence this way.....but you've only been defeated if you stay on the ground. I learned this saying on here, "I never lose; I either win or I learn something." Plus, I would get some friends on here, my virtual friends here always inspire me to push harder than I would otherwise.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I find coming on her, mfp, to read threads very helpful and encouraging in staying on my path.

    However, I've never understood the buddy diet/workout system in daily/real life.

    I've always find that weightloss is a single journey…I'd never depend on meeting someone at the gym to work out ..because the first time they didn't show it could be my excuse to not to it.. or if they quit… I'd feel more inclined to do so also.

    Losing weight is my responsibility. I must eat right make the right choices and get my exercise in… each time I do it on my own I get stronger. I'd find a group effort would certainly drag me down.

    Use your energy to keep on your plan..when your buddies see you looking great..maybe they'll follow your example.
  • dieter67
    dieter67 Posts: 57
    Maybe I'm relying too much on support rather than doing it myself.